How old can paint be before using it?

Good Evening to everyone,
I have a question for all the painters out there and anyone else who may be able to offer some advice. I purchased some house paint 6 years ago and it has been stored indoors all this time. I was planning on painting the house at the time I purchased the paint but I waited and worked on other things and one thing lead to another and I forgot about the paint. I want to know from everyone if you think the paint is still okay to use or should I just buy more. The paint is Benjamin Moore Moor Glo latex. I took a can and opened it and the paint had seperated. I put it in a paint shaker for 15 mins and checked it and it looked okay. I don’t want to paint my house and a year or 2 years later the paint peels off because it was bad. Do you think I should just buy more or use what I have. I would appreciate everybodys input and suggestions on this matter. Thanks
If it hasn't frozen and doesn'y have an ammonia smell, go for it. I have a couple gallons of same paint I redo window and door trim weith as needed - bought in about '97
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Thanks for the info. I will give it a try.
Thanks for the suggestion. I really appreciate it.
I concur with the opinion that if it has not been frozen it is ok to use. My only concern is that it is from BM. Personally, I feel BM is hard to apply. Paint has changed dramatically in 6 years. (low temp application, self-priming, lifetime warranties etc.) You might consider other paint options that will hold up longer. (hint...Duration coatings from SW)
Thanks for the reply. I have always been told that BM was the best there was, but I will look into the SW Duration before going ahead with the paint job. Thanks again
I will brush no paint before its time.....said in my best Orson Wells voice (giggle)
Seeing as to how long I have had this paint I could say the same thing. ( Laugh )
Thanks to all
How much do you have? Enough for sure for the whole job? If you run out, getting an exact match might be a problem.
-- J.S.