My sweet house was built in 1903, and although I have only lived in her for 4 years, I think she deserves a ceremony of some sort. What ideas do you have to make this event special? We love her so. . .
I do plan to give her a new outfit (re-paint), and buff up her shoes (landscaping needs some work) for a present that she has been begging for months now. . .
(Actually, now that I think about it, she has been begging for an addition. I just keep telling her, honey you’re fine, and we love you just the way you are. . .he he)
Any thoughts?
Put her into a home.
Nah, sorry, it's to soon yet.
She's got great legs (thanks to a 4 ft. raised foundation), a new hair-do (3yo 30-year asfault shingles), beautiful eyes although she wears contacts (dual panes), and she never burps or is flatulent (nearly new heat/AC unit).
I think she is 100 years young! Do you really think I should retire her?
How 'bout a new winter coat?
Vinyl? Canary Yellow?
Maybe not.<g>
Do her a favor and get rid of the air conditioning unit. All that effort and expense of giving her a makeover to purdy her up, and there you go, making her frigid.
Fireworks are nice but I'm all for the Mid-East style everybody in the family (including Granny)shoots off a clip from the AK-47
If the cops show up your house could go national on the evening addition
Does that spell celebration or what!!!
You might even get her out in time for the 110th
Not knowing what her current situation exactly is, I will try to give so pointers.
When you landscape Seriously consider removing or moving any plantings that are within arms reach of her.
My Personal rule of thumb is that any plant,shrub,tree shoul beplanted a distance from the house equal or greater than its mature height.,
Many Houses of your baby's vintage suffer from claustrophobia because someone planted things to close.
Personally I like the look of a 2' bed of pea gravel all the way around a house.
Saves on weed wacking and you will thank your self when it is time to set up ladders or staging to give her that new dress/makeover.
With a 4' exposed foundation you have a little latitude here because smaller plantings will not reach her tender parts(WOOD)
Post a pic or three so we can see her before and after.
Don't be shy most of us here have seen it all!
Mr T
Do not try this at home!
I am an Experienced Professional!
Thanks for the great advice! Most of her plantings (azealas) are 2+ feet away, and I try to keep the pruned back, helps them to bloom better in the spring. The pea gravel is a great idea, though.
Her siding is wood lap, (pine?) with about 8 laps per vertical foot. The paint is only beginning to peel on one side, just know I need to nip it in the bud. I can borrow our pressure washer from work, yes I know I need to use it carefully. Then I will do all the prep. When I am done masking, some of the painters from work said they's be happy to spray it for me. Would you suggest a toned bonding primer first, before the paint?
Thnaks for your advise.
like in the old days.....after the framing was done they'd tack a small young pine tree to the gable end of the house (I still do that) on the might imagine the significance.....Why not do that on xmas and light it up.
Be old,
We're being trained through our incarnations-trained to seek love, trained to seek light,trained to see the grace in suffering
Thanks Andy, that's a great idea.
The kids want a cake, but they'll have to settle on only one candle. At my grandfather's 100th birthday, his cake was an inferno! He nearly burned his eyebrows off blowing out all the candles!
Maybe decorate the tree with lights and under it write 100 in lights
Be well Darcey
andyWe're being trained through our incarnations-trained to seek love, trained to seek light,trained to see the grace in suffering