I know code requires electrical cable be stapled within 8 inches of a box — which is easy when I’m running cable before the drywall is up. My question is the best way to do that in a retrofit/remodel when everything is already drywalled. I’ve cut a hole in the drywall large enough for a two gang “old work” box. I’ve drilled holes in the floor plate and fished the wire up between the studs. However, the box is really centered in the middle of the bay and is several inches from either stud. I’m not sure how to nail the wire in place without opening up or damaging more drywall (which I’m trying to avoid). Any suggestions? This is part of a larger project, all of which is being inspected.
Shouldn't need to in a retro. One of the main ideas of stapleing is to keep the wires tucked back out of the way of the drywallers.
Not now chief! I'm in the Zone!
Locally, our inspector hasn't required stapling near the box, as long as the box has a clamp - one of the reasons I use metal boxes.
Not a contractor, but I've done a lot of remodeling on our house.
If the inspector asks you to tear off the drywall so that he can see if the cable is secured... you can staple it then!
In my experience, however, the inspector will be fine with it as long as there are no glaring problems with your wiring.
You dont need to in a retrofit. Thats why the old work boxes have a kind of barbed wire entry in the box.
Family.....They're always there when they need you.
Excellent. Thanks guys. That was very helpful.