Need to install a marble fireplace surround ,2 legs and a cap[mantle]over a brick fireplace. The cap alone weighs at least 300lbs. mortar and metal fasteners into the brick and marble maybe. very scared please help
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Greetings ad,
This post, in response to your question, will bump the thread through the 'recent discussion' listing again.
Perhaps it will catch someones attention that can help you with advice.
"Live Free,
not Die"
bump"Live Free, not Die"
Have you got any photos of the fireplace as it is now?
Not positive, but since the weight of the cap is transferred down through the legs, the mortar on the back of the cap may be enough to hold it tight to the wall. Maybe someone else can chime in.
I have installed / seen these installed by mortaring the pillars to the brick and also using wire tieing back to an anchor in the brick from the back of the pillars of the mantle, then the top is just set with a dab of epoxy and bobs your uncle.
Perhaps your fears would be relieved by hiring a mason or stone fabricator to do the installation.
edit: Opps, this was intended to go to ad not James. Please excuse the error...
Edited 2/18/2005 10:19 am ET by stonefever
should have told him to call uncle bob.
Thanks to all for your help. hiring a mason would be the responsable thing to do
but i think i can pull it off i will try to post some pictures soon keep an eye out i think youll find the situation intrigueing
It will be god to see photos to know the situation if it is unique. I have uninstalled three of these for restoration and with all of them found wire or bolt ties to the backing materials, generally wire with plaster seats and holds.
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