When attaching 2x floor joists to foundation PT sill plates, is it acceptable to install Cedar Shims directly underneath the joist if the joist is low (approx. 3/16″), due to a low spot in the foundation wall.
Also, when toenailing joists to sill plate, if the joist splits from toenailing should the joist be replaced or is there a level of acceptance to a split in the end of the joist on which weight will bear.
When attaching 2x floor joists to foundation PT sill plates, is it acceptable to install Cedar Shims directly underneath the joist if the joist is low (approx. 3/16"), due to a low spot in the foundation wall.
Also, when toenailing joists to sill plate, if the joist splits from toenailing should the joist be replaced or is there a level of acceptance to a split in the end of the joist on which weight will bear.