I have a 10 year old shower with tiled walls and a fiberglass pan. Pan is in good condition (no cracks or leaks), tiles are not, so the tiles will be replaced. Can I leave the fiberglass pan or does it have a limited life? It’s not the cost of a new pan or installation. The shower is directly over a new bank of cabinets in a newly remodeled kitchen. I don’t have access to the shower from below without tearing open the kitchen ceiling and removing some of the wall cabinets. I’m concerned about creating a leak that does not exist. But, I don’t want to re-tile the shower and have to replace the pan in a year or two.
Thanks for any input.
Real tough choice, if the pan is in good condition I'd probably take the route of lesser evils, and leave it. Might consider haveing it refinished though, those guys work miracles, really does look brand new and here in NY it comes with a life time warranty.