I get nervous posting these messages – don’t want to look like a fool, but everyone has been really nice so far. So here goes another maybe silly question.
We’re using Koma trim around the windows and doors. If the window is flashed and sealed properly under the trim, do we still need flashing over the trim at the top of the window (and up under the siding)?
Shauna - Hit the button too quick. You need the second flashing for the siding to keep the water from your siding from getting behind the trim. It may seem like a belt and suspenders approach, but you always want the water to stay on the outside - whether it be the outside of the trim, the outside of the walls or the outside of the windows. In many cases, it's a simple drip cap that takes only a few minutes to install, but that depends on your window trim. You might want to see if the window mftr. has "typical" drawings in their literature on the flashings. Don
I agree with Hammerlaw- you gotta flash the Koma. If you don't, water WILL get behind the trim and find its way in eventually.
Flashing is cheap insurance.
Do you ever get tired of answering the same questions over and over? I found similar answers in the archives, but not about Koma/Azek specifically, so I figured I'd ask anyway.
Thanks for both replies.
I've found the archives aren't always all that helpful.
besides, even at the slow rate I type, a post doesn't take all that long.
and I'm frequently hanging out here anyway
don't want to look like a fool
We all look like fools some times. But some of us have durn thick skins and we keep coming back, hoping for a winner. Yes, there are very similar questions in the archives, but we all like to think ours is a different situation. Go ahead and ask ... we'll be nice. Unless you ask one of the few maroon questions: using piffin screws to hang cabinets, a 3d cad program under $50 that automatically draws plans and creates a detailed estimate, what size beam is needed to support half a house, etc.
I'm sorry, I thought you wanted it done the right way.