I’m hoping someone can steer me with respect to using MDO (medium density overly) versus Hardy Panel for a Chicago area exterior application as a wall treatment where I want a smooth, panelized feature on part of a single family home. I’ve never used either product but they seem to offer the same finish options (namely paint) but with different fundamental characteristics.
Is MDO fairly impervious to moisture? Do the edges need to be treated or covered? Is it dimentionally stable? Same questions apply to fiber cement panels.
Also, on a different note, can aluminum gutters be painted (available stock colors don’t satisfy)? If so, how should they be primed?
I look forward to being enlightened.
Ive never worked with the fiber cement panels, but the MDO is ideal for your situation...I do it all the time. It is not impervious to water and you should not leave edges exposed. MDO is used for the signs you see on the parkway.
As far as painting gutters, yes, it can be done...I`ll let a painter give you the details on that.
J. D. Reynolds
Home Improvements