“Member Visits” Window and Moans & Groans
Maybe its me, but Steve Schoene seems to have been “2 minutes ago” for at least three day and the rest of the group also seems frozen in time. It also seems that the normal number of daily posts has diminished significantly as compared to “the old” My morning cups of coffee were taken for years with reading the old style BT, but no longer is it worth my leisure time. I miss my BT…..hope it gets better….but it looks like BT is in “intensive care” with a poor prognosis. ………Iron Helix
Ditto. Post count appears to have significantly decreased. Even if it has not, trying to find the new posts is rather cumbersome. I used to check in many times a day but it's not as fun anymore.
The only good thing about it is that my wife no longer knows which site I'm on :-)
fun is the last word I would use for BT lately
I'd be embarrassed to have this string of words locked on the left side of the page indefinitely like this...
" *
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You must be kidding
Your coffee comment is right on. I've went through all of the other changes like many. Never really complained just took some time and let the change sneak up on me till it worked
But this is like the missus decided to rearrange the furniture...she took my La-Z-Boy and left me a Victorian parlor chair