i have a metal roof on my house fastened with rubber washer screws as specified by the roofing supplier.the problem is that mostly on the south side of the house a fair amount of the screws have backed out due to the expansion and contraction of the metal…i know of a thread locker for metal screws going into metal but what can i use to keep these screws screwed into the plywood underlayment? thanks.jbthedj
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what is under the iron roof that the screws are going into? 1x or 2x stikes, osb, plywood, ???
i have plywood under tar paper under the metal roofing which i believe is 26 guage metal ...
Welcome to BT, first off.
"Walking" screws would seem to be one of those "things" that metal roofs "do."
That doesn't sound like much of an answer (even to me).
You'll likely find much the same sort of answer if you Search for "loose screw" and "metal roof" here on BT.
(Ok, did that--any very few of the BTers were recognized as being loose screws on metal roofs [which several of you can just go ahead and parse any ol' way you want to . . . <g>].)
Caution: Some answers given here are less-than serious (like, "Q: How do I ventilate my house? A: Open a window").