I have a few questions for anyone who has painted a house sided with aluminum. My siding has sound white paint on it, what type of prep work should I do prior to painting?Should I pressure wash with water alone or add a cleaning solution? Do I have to scuff up the factory paint with a scotch brite pad? Is primer necessary? Any and all responses will be apreciated, Thank You
Go to these "Ask the builder" links for some opinions:
Link 1.
Second link.
Third link.
I painted an aluminum siding about 6 years ago, one sunny side and one shade side. The original finish was worn out and chalking. First I sprayed a mixture of laundry soap, chlorox and water (2 tablespoon: 1 quart: 5 gl. bucket) with garden sprayer. Scrubbed lightly with one of those rectangular brush with short hair (used telescoping pole - be super careful around electric line) then rinsed with hose. Take at least a week to dry. My paint peeled at couple of spots where the weep holes are. It may take more than a week to dry. Try tapping around the weep holes and see if any water drops out. Power washing may damage the siding. As recommended,I scrubbed due to mold and chalking. Then I coated twice with 100% acrylic (not acrylic-latex). No primer. This was recommended by the paint store. If your paint is in good condition, try washing with mild solution first. The mold did come back on shady side but so far did not damage the paint.
I have a few questions for anyone who has painted a house sided with aluminum. My siding has sound white paint on it, what type of prep work should I do prior to painting?Should I pressure wash with water alone or add a cleaning solution? Do I have to scuff up the factory paint with a scotch brite pad? Is primer necessary? Any and all responses will be apreciated, Thank You