I posted a response under the “powdercoating” query and noticed that I had these links in my bookmarks, so will post them in case you haven’t checked them out (I looked these up about 6 months ago, so there could be some other’s out there now):
The “professional painter and wall covering web site” which has a chat room that I didn’t look at and also has “Dr. Paint answers your questions…”:
The web site that is “a service to the finishing industry”
(There is a link to a discussion board that I didn’t try and it has links to house paint usage calculater and to
a “virtual house painting site” which lets you waste time trying out some
fairly mild colors on several types of houses)
And, as I listed under “powdercoating”, a “Coatings Clinic” discussion board which seems to mostly have questions relating to paint:
(The discussion board has about 50 screens worth of discussion going back to mid 1997, so it might take a while to load completely, but the first screen pops up pretty quickly.)
Any other related sites out there?