dog gonnit, thought I had it air tight. peonofin tells me to “dump it.” any ideas what I should you to thin it?
i can use it on my fence if nothing else. it’s the blue label one.
dog gonnit, thought I had it air tight. peonofin tells me to “dump it.” any ideas what I should you to thin it?
i can use it on my fence if nothing else. it’s the blue label one.
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If I recall, Pennofin is made from one of the oils that polymerize -- they actually convert to a sort of plastic through a chemical reaction. They don't actually "dry".
And if that is the case, then adding solvents won't help. You can't un-do the reaction.
Unless you're the lead dog, the view just never changes.
Brazilian Rosewood Oil; bummer if that's true
If it is polymerized then it's a oneway reaction. You cannot reliquify it. However, whatever is still liquid is still good. Strain it and store the strained material in a proper container.
Experiment with the placing of the ingredients on the plate. Try the mozzarella on the left, the tomato in the middle, the avocado on the right. Have fun. Then decide it goes tomato, mozzarella, avocado. Anything else looks stupid.
Richard E. Grant as Simon Marchmont - Posh Nosh
thanks. well, my bucket has the "air tight" seal stuff, but obvisouly it failed :(
If it is a bucket container, there may be enough air inside - even though it is airtight - to allow a curing of the surface material. Being a polymerized finish, it is a chemical reaction which creates the cure rather than an evaporative process - as with lacquer.You can limit this by storing it in full containers.Frankie
Experiment with the placing of the ingredients on the plate. Try the mozzarella on the left, the tomato in the middle, the avocado on the right. Have fun. Then decide it goes tomato, mozzarella, avocado. Anything else looks stupid.
Richard E. Grant as Simon Marchmont - Posh Nosh
To add to what frankie said-
If you can't store it in a full container, try putting saran wrap in the bucket- on the top of the penofin, and up the sides, so all the air is kept out of contact with the finish. It's messy, but it will make the penofin last a lot longer.
"so it goes"