setting something perfectly plumb by eye ain’t no big deal-ask any wife who straightens the picture you just put up!
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setting something perfectly plumb by eye ain't no big deal-ask any wife who straightens the picture you just put up!
You have forever jinks yourself by labeling and thinking about what you have just done!!!! Like talking about a flat tire just before a road trip. Bad form.
Jack's "Law of opposites" states that opposite thinking is good...
On the mountain,
did you check it with a plumb bob......maybe your level is out.........
*don't brag about your work, don't mention the weather (or either one or both will go bad). As far as your partner(spouse). How far of a thread can that go!!! opps shouldn't have said anything...jinks.....dam.
You might be able to do plumb, but can you do
b better'n plumb??
Story around town amongst those that chew on such things about a couple of guys framing the local church steeple, circa 1950(?). Lead framer set up some portion of the framing and had his helper climb down to ground level and scope it out (don't ask, the story doesn't refer to plumb bob's or sticks. . . or speed squares)
. . . when asked by the lead man if it was plumb, the dogsbody shouted back that it was "better'n plumb". . . work progresses through the day, come quittin time the lead man climbs back down to earth and checks out his work only to discover (did ya guess?) that his steeple was seriously askew (don't ask you'll wreck a good story). . . starts in to rantin at the helper who calmly replied, "I told you. . . it was better'n plumb".
One supposes that a tilt to the left was 'better' and one to the right was . . . 'lesser'.
Whole place burned down before my time around here so I can't verify the details!!!
Joseph FuscoView Image
*RJT Throw out your plumbstick. If it looks plumb, it is plumb!Blue
Been there done that , you've got the right power workin with you.
As a child, My father had a few plum trees in his yard. None of which were plumb.
Pete Draganic
*b Plumb is as plumb isSetting something plumb isn't the hard part. The hard part is making it match the surrounding area so that everthing looks plumb.Don't think I'm right??????Go look at the New State Courthouse in Annapolis Md. The flag poles are out 4" in 40'. But when viewed againest the background they appear perfit plumb. b and we only had to move them three times to get this right
*and I thought my wife was the only one to do that." We'll just cut a door through here ( put it on a 45 degree, that'll give us a bit more room)" as she waves her arms around.
*FredLIs there any room at your dinner table??
*Patrick,Very funny story. I've seen quite a few examples in my time of structures that are "better'n plumb", also known in these parts as "beyond plumb", in any direction whatsoever.
*BillWritten with true aplomb. . .
I set two poles to jack up a sagging floor in the basement and noticed that they were perfectly parallel to each other. I took out my level and found that I had by eye set them both perfectly plumb. Is there something wrong with my level or have I arrived at a new plateau? Will I ever be able to do this again? Why doesn't my wife understand what an incredibly outstanding achievement this is? Or is it?
*The question is, CAN you do it again? Everything depends upon that answer.Rich Beckman