I’m installing siding and trim. I’m using the Pl window, door, and siding poly caulking. It doesn’t want to dry. Maybe it’s the cold weather or maybe it is just the way this stuff is but I can only wait so long for this stuff to dry. I want to follow up with another layer or paint.
Is there a HIGH quality caulking that dries faster? This stuff is 50 year. Is it because it is a poly caulking sealant?
Even in warm weather, the PL caulk takes a week to dry before painting. It does stick good, though!
Mike Hennessy
Pittsburgh, PA
I do get the impresion it will last and stick well. Maybe that is the trade off? I can wait if I have to. It's just that I'm rushing one part to get ready for the gas co.
I gotta get back at it!