Quickcrete Quickall Stucco and color

I am doing an outdoor kitchen project, and am using the “Quickwall” stucco over Hardibacker.
My question has to do with working with color agents. The Quickwall comes in both gray and white mix, I got a couple of bags of both just in case. The client wants a terra cotta finish, will there be a difference in finish color whether I use the gray or the white mix?
Why do they have the two different color stucco?
Those are made to be finish colors. I'm not sure what you're asking, adding color to gray will yield a different color than adding color to white.
I have been experimenting with some colors and the two different color mixes. The results are wildly different between the grey and the white.
I am never surprised by the complete lack of info that comes with the products. You would think that quickcrete would generate some stucco color samples along with the display so you know what to expect.
Seams like I get a different color every time I try
colored mortar.
When I've done it in the past I've added the die myself. So
that is part of it for sure. But also the dryness of the mix and
the rate of curing seam to effect it also.
That might be why there is no color palate.
Yeah. I think because the colors are being added into the mix in the field that there are going to be variations in the end product.
It feels like a chemistry project with all the measuring buckets and calulations that I have to make. The 10 fluid oz. colorant container is made for 2 60lb or 80lb sacks of grey mortar or concrete. The quickwall comes in 50lb bags. It is a learning process.
Well, I checked and quikwall is no longer precolored.
Lived through another era.
There are two kinds of people who never amount to much:those who cannot do what they are told, and those who can do nothing else.
The last time I used "Quikwall", there was a few other colors to pick from, one was somewhat terra cotta right from the bag.
Perhaps this is no longer the case?
There are two kinds of people who never amount to much:
those who cannot do what they are told, and those who can do nothing else.