Removing aluminum siding around electric meter
Hi. So I’m removing all of the aluminum siding from my house and have most of it done. I’m at the electric meter and water meter. I have read that I need to call and have the power company to remove from the house, but will I have to replace the siding at the same time, or do they just remove the box off the house (while still having power to the house) and re-attach when finished. Just curious what others have done, so I have an idea going forward. Thanks.
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Is the meter locked in place? If not just cut the seal and remove the meter to open the panel. Do your work, replace the meter and notify the power company that you broke the seal and they will come and replace it. If the meter is locked they can remove the lock so that you can pull the meter as needed and they will relock it when you tell them you are done.
Thanks for the reply. Yeah, I guess there are long screws I need to remove inside that box that are attached to the house. I don't think it's locked in place, but I'll take a closer look when I get home.
In many jurisdictions, cutting the seal on a meter can result in significant fines. So please check as this could bite you pretty hard if you decide to go with this advice.
That's what I intend to do thanks. I'm really just wondering if it's really as easy as having them come out and remove the screws that attach inside that meter to the house. It's not going to go anywhere since the pipe is secured to the house at the top and bottom of the meter. I'll give them a call and ask. Same goes for that water meter.
Couple of good yanks on that siding will remove it with no need to call them out but obviously they would have to come out to put n w behind it. Depends on if the are going to hit you with a service fee for each trip. They may do it for free depends by on the utility company.
Assuming the line from the street is energized, be very careful if you decide to remove the interior meter box mounting screws yourself. That's a lot of amperage ready to flow through your body.
Correct. I simply called the power company and they sent someone to remove the screws. They said to contact them when it’s finished and they’ll screw back in place. As simple as that.