Hi all, I have a stucco house with dormers on the second floor. On one of the dormers there is no flashing on the intersection of the dormer exterior wall and the roof.
I am looking for advice on how I can retrofit flashing under the stucco. I am not crazy about tearing off the stucco to install 8 feet of flashing so any advice is greatly appreciated.
Thanks all!
Edited 9/23/2005 3:44 pm ET by DavidR8
real stucco? EIFS synthetic stucco? Stuccoboard?
Hmmm... real stucco being builders felt, wire mesh, scratch coat, finish coat?
I think it is real stucco because I can see the ends of the wire mesh where they protrude part the bottom of finished stucco.
The house was built in 1931 and this stucco has been on the house a long time.
I think what happened was this:
A some point a new roof deck was put down. I believe the flashing was pulled off in order to put the new deck down. It was probably not replaced because they couldn't figure out how to do it...
Edited 9/23/2005 3:28 pm ET by DavidR8