Hey, a day off, sort of…
I’m looking for a dependable site prep. and concrete company in seattle for a job that’s in permitting right now. Here’s the paramiters:
Tight Site/Limited Access
Sloping site
Lots of dirt/substrate to move in and out
Big footing pours
New slab prep–backfill–slab on grade about 650 sq ft
Include drainwork & waterproofing
Geotech is completing his work w/i two weeks.
Job needs to be done and cured before it turns muddy in the fall–an earlier start is perferred. Bids that leave Portland cement prices to be determined are reasonalbe, I think, given the current “shortage”, but we need to have all other bases covered.
If this sounds like your company or one you trust, send an email to me at [email protected] and we’ll arrange a time to meet at the site and review the plans. I’ll be asking for a total of three finalized bids so you know you won’t be estimating w/o a good chance of getting the work.
Alternatively, just list the company you like on the discussion and I’ll check em out.
Heh heh heh heh heh