Would anybody know what I could expect to pay per board for Hardy plank or Maxi plank? I just did the math for my house and I figured 300 – 16 footers. I’m trying to come up with a ball park figure. Can anyone give me feedback on Miratec trim?
Edited 3/20/2007 1:15 am ET by DaveTous
Miratech I can't help you with.
First though, Hardi only come's in 12' lenghts and so does Certinteed. I'm not aware of a manufacturer making 16's
Depending on the size of Hardi we typically pay around $5 bucks a piece, 5 1/4" is obviously less then 8 1/4" but the square foot values usually work out about right
To all of you that replied; thanks for all your help on this, I'm always open to ideas. Not sure yet how to reply to all of the posts. I'll have more questions on this in the next few weeks. I plan on starting on this job as soon as the snow melts away from the house. I was going to by it from Weiss Cascade out of Seattle. By the time it was going to get to my local lumber yard it was $16/board. I decided to order through a company in Anchorage and my wife has agreed to paint all of the 400 boards the color SHE likes!
Edited 3/21/2007 12:15 am ET by DaveTous
Edited 3/21/2007 12:17 am ET by DaveTous
Echo what Cagiv said on the length. You will need 400 12's for that sq. ft. We pay about $7.25 per 81/4" x 12' for Hardie.
Miratec trim ? We put a lot of it on, mostly cause the skinflints around here dont want to pay for Azek.
I push the Azek and include it as an option on all our siding jobs. It is a far superior product to the Miratec or the Hardie trim. The issue I have with the Miratec is its formulation. I know they claim the composition is weather proof and all of that, but I won't believe it for at least 20 years. Wood is still wood no matter how much resin ya put with it .....
Just my .02
Edited 3/20/2007 7:23 am ET by woody1777
Regarding Miratec, go find their web site and look at the warranty. Pretty impressive. I've had it installed on a number of houses and feel it is a great combination of quality, performance and price (value). The carpenters like to work with it too. The only caveat is that if you read all the fine print, I believe it says that all the cut ends need to be primed...
Sure, PVC trim is going to last forever, but at what price? Further, PVC expands and contracts so much that it can be difficult to keep gaps caulked.
Like others said, hardie is a 12' only length. Go to this link, down at the bottom they have the chart of how many pieces you'll need for a given width per square. It will be pretty close, depends on the waste factor.