3 weeks ago I cleared Our property of some large pine trees that border our neighbor’s property. Now, since the trees are gone and the storms have riped through the wash. coast, the neighbors windows have started to leak on the storm side. The house has T111 and aluminum windows that were installed around 1985ish when the house was built.
The home is well insulated and there is paper behind the siding. Now, they want to replace the windows and reside with Hardiplank. Can the existing siding/paper be left and the new siding be installed over as long as new paper/tyvek is put on before the new siding. Or, does the T111 need to be removed. If the T111 must be removed, then they will be required to install shear panel on the whole house due to the building codes here.
I have also told them that the leaks might not be from the windows and they could be from the roof, other siding areas, or from chaulking the flashings to the top of the window trim. The local company doing the water removal/cleanup called “Service Master” has said it’s from the windows. My gut feeling is that is from somewhere else. Especially since there is no sign of prior water damage inside the house and they just repainted in the spring and told me they used a heck of alot of caulking. Even with the windows boarded up, they are still getting more water inside
Any and all input is appreciated. Thank you in advance, Brian
I think that it is very important to determine exactly where the leaks are coming from before remodeling.
You mention that the owners painter and "heavily caulked" prior to the storm. Sometimes the installation of windows requires that certain channels and "features" of the window and its installation are left "open"or free of caulk that might act as a dam and force water to take a route into the house rather than a designed exit channel.
As far as residing over the T1-11......if it is in solid condition and the studs are marked and hit when nailing up the hardiplank and a building paper used ...have at it!
Have fun sawzalling out the aluminum windows----usually made with nice sturdy intergral nailing fins...now located under the t1-11. It would be nice if the old RO's matched the new units...sure would reduce your cut/fill&finish!
.................Iron Helix