I made some window boxes from Azek. The fronts are frame and panel and they turned out looking pretty nice if I must say so myself. Maintenence free Azek seemed like a good idea at the onset, but now I’m worried that the fronts of the 44″ wide boxes may bow once the boxes are filled with dirt. I’m planning to re-inforce the fronts with aluminum “L” channel, but more often than not, you folks come up with some ingenious alternative. What have you got this time?
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maintenance free plastic flowers?
Viagra. Gunner told me it works for him.
How now, Mighty Sauron, that thou art not brought
low by this? For thine evil pales before that which
foolish men call Justice....
yeah, but after 4 hours, viagra fallsView Image bakersfieldremodel.com
yeah, but after 4 hours, viagra falls
Izzat experiential or apocryphal?
How now, Mighty Sauron, that thou art not broughtlow by this? For thine evil pales before that whichfoolish men call Justice....
It said it on the tv ad - it must be true.View Image bakersfieldremodel.com
How now, Mighty Sauron, that thou art not broughtlow by this? For thine evil pales before that whichfoolish men call Justice....
Welcome to the Taunton University of Knowledge FHB Campus at Breaktime. where ... Excellence is its own reward!
Freudian. You'll note he typed 'falls' instead of 'fails.'
How now, Mighty Sauron, that thou art not broughtlow by this? For thine evil pales before that whichfoolish men call Justice....
viagra falls. rhymes with niagra falls. sheesh, don't superimpose yerall neuroses onto me!View Image bakersfieldremodel.com
Well, Niagara has another 'a' in it, but WTF. That's another neurosis.
OTOH, is it true that Azek dust reduces the urge to masticate?
How now, Mighty Sauron, that thou art not broughtlow by this? For thine evil pales before that whichfoolish men call Justice....
Yeah. I used to work with a hispanic, and we had a niagara car wash in town - he'd always pronounce it nee-a-gar- a.
The boss used to always come by the jobsite and say "How goes the battle?". Finally one day he asked me, What is this bottle the boss is always asking about? So then I started asking him, Como va la botella?
I digress.View Image bakersfieldremodel.com
I think that was masterbate.A Great Place for Information, Comraderie, and a Sucker Punch.
Remodeling Contractor just outside the Glass City.
Uh oh, I don't think the posse is gonna like that.
Well, the hen posse might not, but those guys with the badges know that there's nothing in violation of the terms of service in that post.
no?A Great Place for Information, Comraderie, and a Sucker Punch.
Remodeling Contractor just outside the Glass City.
Yes 'No'...because the word people think you wrote is spelled with a 'u', not an 'e'.
Sounds like you might get off on a technicality.
But just to be on the safe side, wear a respirator when yer cutting that ####.
How now, Mighty Sauron, that thou art not broughtlow by this? For thine evil pales before that whichfoolish men call Justice....
This place? get off on a technicality?
surely you jest.
edit: alright, lets see-maturbate.
tried again-stand alone ---- masturbate
So, no x's, must be a "good" word.
A Great Place for Information, Comraderie, and a Sucker Punch.
Remodeling Contractor just outside the Glass City.
Edited 7/22/2009 6:22 am ET by calvin
Better to talk about m---bait and add something about fishin'.
Better to talk about m---bait and add something about fishin'.
that's what I always say.A Great Place for Information, Comraderie, and a Sucker Punch.
Remodeling Contractor just outside the Glass City.
Two things might work.
Put potted plants in, surround with pine needle mulch or some peat or like lightwt. material.
Ribs below the top, welded (azek glued) at least once or twice in that 42 inches.
A Great Place for Information, Comraderie, and a Sucker Punch.
Remodeling Contractor just outside the Glass City.
I was thinking of ribs as well. Just down from the top so they don't show as much.
Basicly, attach the front to the back at the top a couple of times. "There are three kinds of men: The one that learns by reading, the few who learn by observation and the rest of them have to pee on the electric fence for themselves."Will Rogers
"Ribs below the top, welded (azek glued) at least once or twice in that 42 inches."Good idea - like ferrules in an AL gutter
Welcome to the Taunton University of Knowledge FHB Campus at Breaktime. where ... Excellence is its own reward!
Two years ago I made some Azek flower boxes, some 60" and some 70 " long, with the faces made from 1 x 10s, sloped outwards at a 15 degree angle. I added a single rib/stiffener in the middle of each box, with the top of the stiffener about 1 -1 1/2 inch lower than the sides so that it would be less obtrusive, and put some drain holes in the bottom, probably 1/2 inch diameter. For assembly I used Azek PVC cement backed up with stainless screws.
The boxes are placed on top of a 4 foot high stone wall alongside a covered walkway and they have been left there, filled with dirt, all year long. They only get a little rain, but plenty of snow blown on them ( southern NH) and have survived the two winters of freeze/thaw cycles just fine with no signs of bowing.
install some fore n aft stiffeners
Think like a canoe or rowboat and add a thwart or seat ...a divider below the soil level that ties the front to the back.
Spheramid Enterprises Architectural Woodworks
Repairs, Remodeling, Restorations
"If Brains was lard, you couldn't grease much of a pan"
Jed Clampitt
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Probably too late now, but I make flower boxes with no bottoms and sized to fit the plastic trays from the garden center - about three sizes available.
That way the plastic tray full of dirt is lifted out end of summer and no pressure or rot on the panels.
Also have seen the top edge made with an extra piece making a lip over so the perpendicular resists flex - in wood. I don't know if that would help in Azec.
Welcome to the
Taunton University of Knowledge FHB Campus at Breaktime.
where ...
Excellence is its own reward!
great minds and all.....
I've done the same using those cheapo wallpaper dunking trays. (They were out of the more permanent ones at the time) The Mrs. doesn't mind as she usually plants anuals in them anyway.
Maybe we could get Seeyou to make us some nice copper thingies instead?
I'm not flippin' you off.........just counting cubits
Your standard of living will eventually diminish to your standard of buying. Think about it.
2x4, cut to fit, wedged between the bottom of the box and ground.
My earlier reply was not clear about how I built my Azek boxes. The rib/stiffeners connected the front to the back, the way that Mike Smith and Sphere suggested.
Dado the front panel to the bottom using a dado blade or router...of course this needs to be done prior to glue up! Yikes! Hope that helps.