I just finished reading the 25 Most Important Houses. Loved it! The American sense of creativity and skill is awesome and well reflected in your article.
I do think that there are a couple of housing styles that you missed that have great importance in American history.
One, is the tipi. Having lived on a reservation, this style of home was original to America, and exists today. Built from available materials that nature has provided its continuing existence reflects its usefulness and practicality. I was driving down a major artery in Denver the other day, and spotted one in a back yard!
The other that fascinates me is the quonset hut. Not pretty, no longer used, it was home to many Americans during the war years. I had relatives who lived in them until housing was available after the war. They can still be seen in small Midwestern communities, although now they are reduced to storage, etc.
Thanks for a great article and the opportunity to add to it!
Well, tell the Taunton boyz...if they sign up for TipiFest 06 they can shoot a circa:1680 house I been workin' my fingers to the bone on as welllll as a 20'diameter rotting away tipi.Don't worry...when this one is compost I'll get another as usual.
If Blodgett says, Tipi tipi tipi it must be so!
TipiFest 06~~> Send me your email addy for a Paypal invoice to the greatest show on earth~~>[email protected]