I really liked that machine. Was so handy to be able to be up and at it with a moment’s notice and shut it down just as quick.
I’ve toned down a bit now but earlier was spittin’ nails and ready to break fingers of the dirty sonofabich that stole it out of my locked truck.
I know it was my fault for having it in there when I stopped for an hour. Had decided to take it home instead of hiding it at the house I was working on.
Much as I liked it I won’t be replacing it with the same ’cause of the costs and not using it often enough to justify. Think I’m going to get a little pancake compressor to carry instead.
Liked that little critter tho’.
Guys, don’t gamble with yer tools. It sucks to lose a good one.
be cryin’ in my beer tonight.
My condolences. There must be a special room in he11 for people who steal a working man's tools.
I'm thinking it was more than just a teen getting drug money cause I'd locked my truck doors and when I came out my door was unlocked but no damage.
So I'm thinking someone was using a 'slimjim' tool that slides down the window to the locking mechanism in the door. A bit more involved than the 'hit fast and run' crowd.
We all dance to a mysterious tune, intoned in the distance by an invisible piper. - Albert Einstein
that sucks, man.
I use my paslodes all the time, and I wouldn't hesitate to replace one if it got stolen.
I'm not sure if I'm smart enough, or agile enough, anymore to be dealing with those hoses.
on a similar note ...
I finally decided to "retire" my grandfathers utility knife.
just decided yesterday. Once again ... worked a week in someone's house spending half the time working and half the time looking everywhere I had been working trying to once again find the damn thing after I once again "lost" it!
has always been the most comfortable and lightest knife I'd ever held.
always felt like Gramps was there with me when I used it.
But ... this last "lost time" ... I thot it was finally lost forever. Then ... had to go back and reset a junction box a hair deeper to get it to finally set flush ... and looked down ... and on top of the wall mount bracket of their basement fire extinguisher ... was my knife just where I set it a week ago!
Funny to get all worked up about an old $3 knife ... but just made life a bit better.
Decided at that moment ... gotta find a replacement and retire the original. (aside from the fear of really losing it ... the hairline crack above the blade is starting to widen ... don't want it to snap)
Put a new sharp blade in it .... and it's not sitting up with the bottle collection above the fridge ... waiting till I make a nice shadow box to display it in.
Told the wife I "retired" it ... she said ... "Great, guess we're donna have to hang it on the wall somewhere, huh .... "
to know me is to love me! after all these years ... she's finally catching on!
and I was able to find a decent brand new replacement. Irwin tools? what ever the cheapie line that Lowes carries ... fixed blade ... slight angle ... nice and light ... comfy handle ... picked up one to test drive it. Something like $8 or so. Will stop back next week and buy 10 of them ... never have to find another replacement again.
Buck Construction
Artistry In Carpentry
Pittsburgh Pa
Couple years ago I was in a tool salesroom browsing and on a bottom shelf I found a box of different colored metal utility knives in a slight banana shape that had the paint chipping off of them.
So they had them discounted.
49 cents each. Roar! Bought a dozen.
Funny thing is sometimes I still find myself wasting time walking around wondering where a knife is on occasion.
be kinda like pencils and tapemeasures.
We all dance to a mysterious tune, intoned in the distance by an invisible piper. - Albert Einstein
Edited 10/12/2005 11:44 pm ET by rez
That knife has become a fixture here at BT. It deserves a place of honour - up there, over the bar...
Welcome to the Taunton University of Knowledge FHB Campus at Breaktime. where ... Excellence is its own reward!
here she is ...
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Buck Construction
Artistry In Carpentry
Pittsburgh Pa
Edited 10/16/2005 12:59 am ET by JeffBuck
I remember a year ago memorial day you had some stuff stolen. The reason I remember is because I had my truck broken into on the same weekend that your incident happened. (at least I think it was you )
I had one of my impulse nailers taken at that time and I've replaced it. Cant live with out it.
I hope whoever said that about the special place in hell for the people that steal working mans tools is having a premonition!
I was missing it today. Been thinking of getting the old PC Bammer out of storage and seeing if I can get it to work.
be a horror
We all dance to a mysterious tune, intoned in the distance by an invisible piper. - Albert Einstein
Rez,When the loser who pinched your Trimpulse gets to the "fiery gates," the demon with the clipboard will hand him a Bammer and force him to run crown for eternity. "Hurry up, you're not making me any money!" LOLBill
Been thinking of getting the old PC Bammer out of storage and seeing if I can get it to work.
Man that's desperate!
I guess it's not as bad as I thought it would be.
I can take my little finish hammer and when I begin the light tap tap tap on a finish nail, I pretend I'm driving it into the knuckles of the sunofabich.
'Course he's tied down and can't get away.
be making sure theives will never steal again
We all dance to a mysterious tune, intoned in the distance by an invisible piper. - Albert Einstein
Sorry to hear of your loss
pizzes me off every time I hear of this - actually get worked up
Would really be lost without my impulse
Of course I had to have left two batteries in the case now I'm back to one battery for the framing nailer.
Plus the boxes of paslode trim nails amd some cannisters I've got sitting there.
Wonder is I put the word out I was looking for a trimnailer if it would eventually show up for a hundred bucks. bwaa!
be trying to roar
40,000 Americans are injured by toilets each year.
Feed the roar!
Welcome to the Taunton University of Knowledge FHB Campus at Breaktime. where ... Excellence is its own reward!
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40,000 Americans are injured by toilets each year.
Roar! I didn't even mind losing the bandwidth to cary that smurf
Welcome to the Taunton University of Knowledge FHB Campus at Breaktime. where ... Excellence is its own reward!
Check by some pawn shops... got your mark on it?
Rez, I've got a straight magazine 16 guage Paslode Impulse that mostly sits on the shelf since I got my angled one. I could sell that to you. Shoot me an e-mail through here if you would be interested
Don't know if this will make you feel any better about your Paslode but a couple years ago I was working on a jobsite in Oakland when a couple of shady characters came around "looking for work." The foreman told me he got a funny feeling about them and after humoring them for a minute told them to shove off. He was telling some of us about this when about a minute later one of the framers came over to where we were standing and told us he couldn't find his Skilsaw. Without saying a word all five of us took-off down the street to the next jobsite and sure enough these a*****s were trying to sell a wormdrive to a worker that had just driven up in his truck. (for those of our more sensitive viewers, imagination must be applied here.)
To their credit and my everlasting admiration, the cops that showed up didn't say word one about the state of their suspects. I guess the jobsite being such a dangerous place to be and all.
I know that this will never, ever make up for all the "missing" tools out there but at least sometimes the goodguys get something back.
Hey Rez, Came outta home depot a few weeks ago, and my buddy my side camper window was up. I figured, d'oh that was stupid of me not to close it. When I went to close it, noticed the DeWalt slider was tipped on end, weird.Someone had just snatched the locked window open, didn't see anything missing...sooo...til about a week later went looking for the Bosch cordless circular saw, dang. Never did like that under powered thing anyway, gave me a chance to get a combo kit with a jigsaw instead...chicken salad out of chicken sheet LOL.Now I park right by the front door, too. "what's in a name?" d'oh!
This is the exact reason I don't buy used tools - unless I know the source - like when a buddy gets an upgrade and offers the old one at a great bargain. Other than that, buying used tools, I figure you got about a 95% chance of contributing to the problem. If no one would buy them, then no one would steel them. I've got a few other unquenched fantasies too ;-)
If you've got the serial number, check local pawn shops in a few days.
No electrons were harmed in the making of this post.
Sux loosing something to a tool thief. Still burning mad over loosing my Milwaukee Magnum to a thief. Yeah, left it on the floor of the van with the doors unlocked while in Home Depot.
Guess I wasn't the only one though. They showed some surveillance tape on the local news about a thief that worked that HD and the neighboring Lowes parking lot, looking for unlocked vehicles to lift some tools from. Middle aged half balding fat guy in a beat up old dodge colt. They finally caught him, but he was selling the tools for his money instead of working for it. I never turned in a police report because I wasn't sure if the drill was stolen at HD, or if I left it in the yard or what.
I lost an Impulse framer and a laser level recently. Converted rapidly, no doubt, into a powdery substance. The miscreant will most likely have a short career and if he makes it to my age, will have few teeth and will have permanently lost his driving priveliges. His Karma will get him. I'm more careful now and I've etched my name and DL# onto all my power tools in letters as big as will fit. I'm also taking tools out of their cases and putting them in nondescript bags or boxes. I'm thinking it makes them too easy to recocnize, grab, and resell.