About a week ago I order a pressure washer. Its a pretty cool looking unit and my hope is that while I’m out of work and going to school I can make a little extra cash with it. Not talking big business here, just the odd job here and there. Anyway I mentioned it to a couple friends whose instant reply was “what the hell are you thinking sinking cash into something like that???” I can handle that. Maybe I won’t make money, who knows. Anyway, I’ll be damned if all of them haven’t thought of favours I should do for them with the washer when it arrives, plus the Church i was pushed out of years ago has come up with work I should do for them with the damned thing, of course work for them is work for God, and he’ll pay me when I die… Isn’t it amazing how many people think hey, you aren’t working so you have time, and as long as the machine isn’t scheduled you may as well be using it…
I guess you guys must get this kinda stuff all the time too. My approach so far has been to point out the cost of the detergent, the time on the machine, and what the job is worth, but hey I’ll cut a deal since we’re friends and do it for 75% of what I figure the job is worth. Seems to scare em away when the price is higher than nothing.
Jag, mike had a simular thread in business about freinds taking advantage of your knowledge I went on a rant about some guy who ask me for favors and work right beside people he was paying man that upsets me still...
*Wouldn't you know it Ron, I just found that thread now. Sorry to double up on you guys. I actually only rarely go to the business page
*Loaned mine to a friend. Came back dead I found when next I tried to use it. Nasty thing to own anyway. Like a shovel. Joe H
About a week ago I order a pressure washer. Its a pretty cool looking unit and my hope is that while I'm out of work and going to school I can make a little extra cash with it. Not talking big business here, just the odd job here and there. Anyway I mentioned it to a couple friends whose instant reply was "what the hell are you thinking sinking cash into something like that???" I can handle that. Maybe I won't make money, who knows. Anyway, I'll be damned if all of them haven't thought of favours I should do for them with the washer when it arrives, plus the Church i was pushed out of years ago has come up with work I should do for them with the damned thing, of course work for them is work for God, and he'll pay me when I die... Isn't it amazing how many people think hey, you aren't working so you have time, and as long as the machine isn't scheduled you may as well be using it...
I guess you guys must get this kinda stuff all the time too. My approach so far has been to point out the cost of the detergent, the time on the machine, and what the job is worth, but hey I'll cut a deal since we're friends and do it for 75% of what I figure the job is worth. Seems to scare em away when the price is higher than nothing.