All you tile layers. On my current job the tile guy laid 1/4 hardibacker down with no thinset under it. Is this standard practice or should I make an issue of it. I have previously only seen it muded in with thinset and stapled or screwed off. i thought you were to bed it in thinset and anchor then let it set up before you lay tile.
Comments or suggestions appreciated
Layed it down over what? At least some glue would have been nice, thinset better yet.
I like ply, I don't get the hb stuff; it has no structural integrity. Layers should add up to at least an inch and an eighth or better. Consult the ASTM? manual for more info.
You can't beat 3/4" AC glued and screwed to the subfloor, at least not in my mind.
IMO I`d be less concerned with the hardibacker installation than with the framing and subflooring itself....joist size and spacing, subfloor thickness and fastening method....On a solid, level subfloor I install cement board tile backer using only nails and/or screws. I prefer to allow the wood framing to expand and contract independently of the tile substrate.
J. D. Reynolds
Home Improvements
the backer should be installed over troweled thinset.
lotsa other ways to do things ...
this way is right! might be other "right" ways ... but I ain't guaranteeing any of them.
btw ... the backer isn't structural ..... and the thinset isn't an adhesive.
it's a leveling agent in this application.
might last forever ... might crack next week .... U wanna be the test case?
Buck Construction Pittsburgh,PA
Fine Carpentery.....While U Waite
In a couple of related posts lately, It's been said that thin set under tile backer on wood is not a good idea as the wood absorbs the moisture from the thin set prior to setting, thus leaving "dust" or such that crunches, or allows deflection......I will be laying quite a bit of tile soon, and in the past have not put thin set under tile backer, but certainly am open to a better way. Is it? Beck
Good point on the moisture absorbtion....I`ve installed tile atop a mortar bed on top of plywood subflooring in the past. I always istall roofing felt between the ply and wire mesh specifically to avoid the improper curing of the mortar due to the plywood sucking the moisture from the cement mix.J. D. Reynolds
Home Improvements