Building a hunting lodge in Northern Maine. Going to have a urinal in the bathroom, as a majority of visitors will be male. Building an upstairs loft with ships ladder. Want to make it easier for visitors and considering putting a urinal in the upstairs loft.
Any suggestions?? Plumbing will run down inside wall and “odor” will be taken care of with “tablets”.
How about a door to a deck overlooking some bushes?
I thought a funnel and a hose was a urinal?
Edited 12/27/2007 3:08 pm ET by ponytl
That's at the higher class hunting lodges.
it is but these guys will miss the funnel
I thought this was going to be about windows and flashing . . . no, wait, I mean the flashing at the sill of the window . . . oh, never mind. <G>
Don't have time to wait until the bushes are big enough to use.
You mean plumbing waste line right? No supply other than what male members supply? You might want to consider a trap in the line to keep critters out, but that would contain some #### and that would be pretty smelly.
But us old guys will appreciate not having to climb down a ships ladder middle of the night if you can get rid of the smell. Tablets have there own smell that isn't a whole lot more pleasant tho.
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Water supply going to and from with a flush. Drain will go directly into the septic line. Hopefully no critters climbing up the drain pipe.
Old and yound don't want to climb a ships ladder in the middle of the night.
Thinking about putting a GIANT bean bag at the base of the ladder just for those that miss on the way down.
Check out Kohler for their "waterless" urinals.
No need for tablets that I know of. (urinal mints)
Just a periodic cleaning of the basin.
and I see Sloan has some too.
A Great Place for Information, Comraderie, and a Sucker Punch.
Remodeling Contractor just outside the Glass City.
Edited 12/27/2007 5:21 pm ET by calvin
Thanks, I will check those manufacturers out.
Like Calvin suggested, look at the waterless. I "test drove" one this summer at Crystal Mountain ski resort in Michigan and I was impressed. I would definitely recommend it on my next urinal install. I can't remember the brand but it was not one of the big popular brands. If you google waterless urinal, you'll get all kinds of info.
J.R. Lazaro Builders, Inc.
Indianapolis, In.
Is the loft just one open room?
Sound a little jail-like to me. I don't usually like to pee where I sleep.
Can you make the ladder more stairlike?
At the risk of stirring the pot again on a urinal thread, if there is a smell, it ain't been cleaned.
Ask anyone who has to work on one.