I am plumbing a bathroom in my shop building (toilet, shower, lav. plus 2 other sinks) and wondered if it is OK to vent thru the sidewall rather than the roof. The roof is 2×12 rafters with 10″ of insulation so I don’t really want to try to get everything lined up to get thru the roof. Can I vent thru the wall? Should it stick straight out or does it need to turn up past the eave? Also, is 3″ PVC big enough to vent?
Thanks for your help.
3" should be plenty for this application.
Don't see any reason why you can't go through the wall and then up, but the vent should be high enough so you don't get sewer gas in through an open window.
Run it past the roof, use the short quick elbows to hug tightly around the eaves. Use long sweep elbows if you need to use the vent for cleanout access. Paint to match and to reduced UV deterioration. 3" is plenty.
Or use an air-admittance valve (http://www.studor.com/) if your local codes allow it.
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