Have about 20 lineal feet of 9″ wide vinyl asbestos tile in my basement that someone stapled up between a couple of floor joists. It does not appear to be damaged, however I would like to remove it before I re-sheet rock over it. Can I do this safely myself? I had thought of spraying it wet, using a hepa filter, tight VOC mask, poly-off the area etc. Can I get away with this or is this a no-no? I am very aware of the dangers of breathing this stuff…
Have about 20 lineal feet of 9" wide vinyl asbestos tile in my basement that someone stapled up between a couple of floor joists. It does not appear to be damaged, however I would like to remove it before I re-sheet rock over it. Can I do this safely myself? I had thought of spraying it wet, using a hepa filter, tight VOC mask, poly-off the area etc. Can I get away with this or is this a no-no? I am very aware of the dangers of breathing this stuff...