Any one know of a rental house north of Boston, MA where I can rent a couple of wall jacks for a weekend/week?
Thanks –
Any one know of a rental house north of Boston, MA where I can rent a couple of wall jacks for a weekend/week?
Thanks –
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Check your local HD Tool rental. Local one here rents wall jacks.
I'm near Acton.... I may be willing to let you borrow a set for a weekend but I'd prefer to be there to set them up with/for you and make sure the lift is done safely. Shoot me an email through the forum and let me know where you're at as well as what you want to lift and when you want to lift it.
How far do you travel?[email protected]
LOL.... not that far brother.View Image
I was hoping you could meet the chuckleheads that are framing the addittion for us.
I get there around 9:30 to see one of them setting the double ridge on posts and braces...........I keep my peace wondering how he determined the correct height, and why he decided that he needed to set it on posts at all.
Dum deedee dum, it's quiet up there so I go on up and have a look. Seems the ridge is a "little" low. I watch for a few minutes as he scratches his head and tries this and that.
I roped it up, told them to take out the posts and we'll lift the ridge into the two sets of rafters. The guy would not let go. he insisted that he was holding up his whole end, bustin' a sweat and turning red.
I told the helper at the other end/set of rafters to let go and he obliged much to the horror and amazement of the "lead" carp. He still wouldn't let go of his set-up until I barked at him. You should have seen the look in his eyes.
"I've been doing this 16 years."
Yeah right. Where's the pattern I asked him? Uh, we just nailed them/it up. Apparently no one ever told him that the pattern stays on the ground until it's needed as the last rafter. Sixteen years!
So he goes and lays out a new one incorrectly. Cut the rest from that and had to shorten them all up in the air. Sixteen years.
Friggin genious.
He had erectile dysfunction f or the rest of the day.[email protected]
This is the guys first post, and all you can do is offer him a free rental? - with free supervision & advice on site ???
If you were the real deal breaktime forum guy, you would bring over the forklift and show him how its done right!!!
You have fallen under frenchies power haven't you .. Remove the ring before it is to late!"Poor is not the person who has too little, but the person who craves more."...Seneca
Dude... turns out this guy's job is right in my town. Weird, huh? It's a pretty small town too which makes it even stranger.
For what it would cost to trailer my forklift to the dude's job and back again.... he'd be halfway to owning a set of Proctor's. :(View Image
Hey- I make about enough time to read some of this forum and barely participate.
I am astounded by the amount of time and effort that the regulars must put in to make this place what it is, but you then go and step it up a few notches by offering equipment and technical advice on site to a complete stranger!
You is a way better person than I could ever be.
I just like framing Jay.... and enjoy an opportunity at poking around on another guy's frame to see how they like to build things. Maybe learn a thing or two.... maybe teach a thing or two. Looks like we're on for next weekend though. And you never know.... might even make a new business contact.View Image
Tri Rental in hampton nh