Window Flashing Guidelines for Replacement Windows in Florida

I have decided to get hurricane replacement windows for my home in Florida. I am looking at flanged windows. The manufacturer’s instructions for install do not include the information about flashing. I was told this is because states have different requirements.
I have not been able to locate the current Florida requirements. Many articles focus on Tyvek, adhesive, etc., but I am not seeing consistent information about flashing tape requirements.
Does anyone know what these are?
Thank you for any information or links to articles that are in layman’s terms.
Is your house wood framed? Flanged windows aren't used on concrete block homes.
Yes, wood framed. Did find current code requires pan flashing and around sides, top. Can sealant substitute for tape in Florida as flashing? I had an insurance claim for damage in wall denied because no tape had been used, even though home was built before FL code initiated in 2002. I don't want to encounter that issue again.
Any manufacturer should have installation instructions that include flashing details. There are flashing sealants that can be used but not caulk from a tube.
What kind of windows are they?