I’m installing a 2’x3′ vinyl awning window in a bathroom wall where there has been none previously. Although this would normally be a pretty easy project the problem is the nice wall paper on the interior. Does anyone know of a way to install the header and framing without cutting out sheetrock or siding adjacent to the window? Would prefer not to have to rewallpaper the entire wall. Thanks.
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thats a fairly small window.....depending on your roof load you may get away without a header.
*Sorry Bob,To do the job right you have to break the eggs to make an omelet.You should open the area sufficiently to allow sealing and insulation. To install without a header is poor practice.Gabe
*Gabe,Ideally, yes install a header,but if it's going to make the job easier and if the window is only 2 ft wide and if the studs are at 2 ft centres and if the rafters are falling over the studs and if the window position is not critical and can be positioned between the studs, then I don't forsee any problems. ( Lotta ifs I know )
*Bob; One thought on this.I am assuming you will have studs on each side of the window. You might consider using a two L shaped steel framing clips attached to the stud with several "structural" fasteners. Attach to the stud with one leg down & the other leg horz. & up to set the header on. You will need to use fasteners that will handle any load you may have. I would suspect that the load is not very great. Don't use deck screws or any fasteners like that. The hardest part will be to cut any stud off "up" in the wall to make room for the header. This may not be the best way but it can work very well in some situtations.Ron.
*Well, you could probably blow in insulation IF you were able to figure out how to set the framing right, but It seems that it would be a lot more work and of lesser quality than simply doing it right and re-papering the wall. You might be able to paper just the sections near the window.Better yet, strip all the wallpaper off and paint the walls. Then you'll never have this little dilemma again...Dan
Thank you all for your inputs to my window project. Since the window is 3' wide, given the snow loads we get here I guess its probably best to go ahead with the header and open it up as Gabe suggests. (The steel L-brackets sound tempting though) Guess I'll be shopping for wallpaper. Thanks again.
You ought to check that the wall is in fact load bearing. If it makes your life easier, you could also remove the -exterior- sheathing to access the wall.
*Hi Bob! Something you should be aware of concerning window dimensions: ALWAYS give the width dimension first! A carpenter I know who ordered 6 replacement accidently gave the salesman a size list that gave the hight first and didn't catch the mistake until he picked the windows up. OOPS......John
*Well, I'll be..Just goes to show we really do do it upside down down here. We always have to give the height first!!
*Hi Mark! Wow-I guess I should have stipulated USA in my post. That certainly drives home to me that this is an international forum! By the way Mark, which way does the water swirl as it goes down your bathtub drain? Just wondering.....John
*We're a third world country mate...can't afford bath tubs.
I'm installing a 2'x3' vinyl awning window in a bathroom wall where there has been none previously. Although this would normally be a pretty easy project the problem is the nice wall paper on the interior. Does anyone know of a way to install the header and framing without cutting out sheetrock or siding adjacent to the window? Would prefer not to have to rewallpaper the entire wall. Thanks.