There is just something about wood walls that everyone likes. Here in Austin, TX there were many houses built in the 1920-40′s that had wood walls without plaster. Often they were covered with muslin cloth then wallpapered over. Eventually they got drywalled(60’s&70’s mainly). Here’s some pictures of a 1930′s house my company remodeled recently were we found some beautiful old pine shiplap wood walls and decided to re-use them for the remodel.
This house turned out amazing and I think the character of these salvaged pine walls really connects with people who visit. If you are considering wood, I highly recommend it for your interior walls.
For more pictures of this house you can visit the website of Architect Hugh Jefferson Randolph, AIA.
Matt Risinger
– Risinger Homes in Austin, TX
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Risinger Homes is a custom builder and whole house remodeling contractor that specializes in Architect driven and fine craftsmanship work. We utilize an in-house carpentry staff and the latest building science research to build dramatically more efficient, healthy and durable homes.
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