Looked at a house yesterday where the owner wants to redo the walls in two rooms without tearing out the lathe and plaster walls. the walls are in good shape but had paneling glued to them and now have some tearout. also the glue is all over and scraping that off would be a nightmare. I mentioned installing 1/4″ drywall right on top of the existing walls. glue is and use 2 1/2″ screws to the studs. the longer screws would really anchor it well and the adhesive I figure would keep it smooth and snug. I’m then faced with what to do with the windows and door and electrical outlets to make up for the 1/4″ I’m adding to the wall thickness. Am I nuts? the budget on this is tight so I thought I might save labor on a tear out and disposal by going this route.
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There is no generic 2-ft. rule. Use the code tables to dial in joist spans and overhangs based on accurate engineering.
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Looked at a house yesterday where the owner wants to redo the walls in two rooms without tearing out the lathe and plaster walls. the walls are in good shape but had paneling glued to them and now have some tearout. also the glue is all over and scraping that off would be a nightmare. I mentioned installing 1/4" drywall right on top of the existing walls. glue is and use 2 1/2" screws to the studs. the longer screws would really anchor it well and the adhesive I figure would keep it smooth and snug. I'm then faced with what to do with the windows and door and electrical outlets to make up for the 1/4" I'm adding to the wall thickness. Am I nuts? the budget on this is tight so I thought I might save labor on a tear out and disposal by going this route.