My wife and I have been building this house for 4 years. I’m almost done and would enjoy visits from my friends from this forum. Seriously! Steel head fishing 45 mins. away.
My wife and I have been building this house for 4 years. I’m almost done and would enjoy visits from my friends from this forum. Seriously! Steel head fishing 45 mins. away.
This floating home maximizes its waterfront location with seamless indoor-outdoor living, a unique two-story layout, and a design that prioritizes light and views.
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Wow! While building that you have time for yardwork too? I've always figured any kind of construction activity was an excuse to slide on the yard. Are you in the middle of a golf course too? I'm impressed! Joe H
You gotta watch those file names - That second one looked like it said "Sex shop".
Hard work has a future payoff. Laziness pays off now.
hey - send directions - I'll bring uncle daddy and cousin sally-bob and the brood - nephew-in-law 'razor' should be out by mid july and he could join us-all - - the dogs will have a great time, lots of room to run, and it looks like there's plenty of room to park the trailer (for the dogs) - the place looks great, just needs a little livin' to break it in - you like guns? - watcha got? - I like to bring a similar caliber sose we can share ammunition - looks like a good place for high powered rifles with all that yard out back - we cud stack us a few bales of hay at about 300yds and pound away - I'd like to get there next week so we can be settled in for the fireworks on the forth - momma hit $500 on the scratch-off last week and the kids spent it all on 'out-of-state' fireworks and you sure look like you're not from around here - momma ws buyin her Lucky Strikes and vodka an just got the urge to buy a few tickets and this time it paid off BIG - - our cars broke, but uncle bubs said he'd drive us where-ever - he's got a bumper-hitch on his 4X4 for the dog trailer and the trail bikes can go in the back - after lookin at the pictures he sed he'd like to drive out back your house - 'reel purdy' is how he put it - the swimmin pool looks a little small, but I spose the kids can play in it - tell u wot, the neighbor is gettin rid of his 18' above ground pool and gettin a 24' - his old one needs a little work, but I'm a handy guy wen I ain't bin drinkin and i think we could get it goin, you-no, just for the adults - next year you can visit us - looks like you know which end of the hammer to grab, maybe we can finish our roof - I got a bum knee, but I can supervise from the ground and the 10 year old is just like a monkey - hey - thanks for the invite, i always like meetin new people, as long as their not cops - and iffen you could send a little gas money with the directions it would help get uncle bubs home - he only gets 4 mpg even tho he took the muffler off to lessin the back pressure -
jus call me 'cusin dave'
ps - I don't care wot brand of beer you have, but i gotta have Jack Daniels to mix wif it - i'm easy-goin but gotta draw the line sumwhere -
You and your kin are welcome anytime. I think the kids would enjoy bluegill fishing the water hazards, hell they could build sand castles in the traps. I don't know how good a shot you are but I'll give you a hundred bucks if you can shoot the ball off a guys tee from a hundred yards. Leave the trailer behind, my wife loves animals, they can even sleep in bed with you if that's what you like.
Just give me a few weeks notice so I can have the place ready.
FWIW you and your wife have done a nice job, kudos and enjoy cheers the bear
That is a really beautiful home. Nice job!
Sure can relate. My house that I built 90% alone (with two helpers and I mean JUST helpers) took me the same time to build. Difference tween yers and mine is that I had to rip down 3/4 of the original cape and tie in (to keep the taxes down which now are $14000 a year). Ended up the last cpl a years working on it "alone" doing the floors, kitchen, marble, granite. the finish work.....etc etc. You probably already heard me spoutin' about my house so sorry. I'm off to Sebastopol California tomorrow morning for a week, from here on Long Island in NY to scout out a new property and a place to keep battering my body with work. As Lisa L says " A finished house is a listed one"....mines listed at 1.2.....ready to re rock and roll......You did some fantastic job bro. You should be slapping yourself high fives. How much of it did you do yourself? (Jus wanna know how stupid I was to do most of my crib basically alone). Also..where is that house located and any inside shots?
I'll have some "during demo" shots and after on my website (below the post) when I get back from California...
Fantastic job from one that knows what its like.
Be well
It's not who's right, it's who's left ~ http://CLIFFORDRENOVATIONS.COM
Beautiful, absolutely stunning! I'm envious of the work and location!! I gotta get out of Florida.
Ken Fisher
theres nothing wrong with any location..........none at all. thats just an excuse. Do your best work where ever you are and you will be happy....My entire family lives in FLA MOM DAD AND TWO SISTERS>>>>>> I absolutly aint into that area but dats jus' me.......give me mtns.........or at least rolling hills and NO HOT HEAT.....I;d rather deal in NYC's climate....We shall see. Keep me posted......I have some serious and intersesting ideas that are very different that I will need help with
Be well
AndyIt's not who's right, it's who's left ~ http://CLIFFORDRENOVATIONS.COM
I grew up in SE Pa so that's why I was envious of the location. Big hardwoods, mountains, hills etc.
Thanks, means a lot coming from someone who's been there and back and going to visit the same place again. This is the 2nd house my wife and I built together. I don't think I want to do it's like having 2 full time jobs for 4 years. I'll post some inside shots next week. Thanks again.
Well I DO know and you did some kinda fantastic job. Couldnt really be much better. As for me...well, I always need a major project, otherwise I get male PMS.....thing is to learn from all your projects and do them smarter and wiser and hopefully with more dough coming from proceeding projects......Its almost 4 AM and I'm checking the last of my E mails before we head out to Sebastopol Cal from here in NY to look for a new project.......have say I learned but I have a feeling my next projects gonna be a real doozy. At 51 I figure I only have another 30 years left to build. PS.....If you don't know them, check out books by Helen and Scott Nearing.."Living The Good Life" Theyre my inspiration
BE well my friend
AndyIt's not who's right, it's who's left ~ http://CLIFFORDRENOVATIONS.COM
I wanna see pictures of the INSIDE of the shop.
Do not try this at home!
I am a trained professional!
Only four years and it looks like you're nearly done (at least on the outside) (nice job by the way)
I'm at ten months and so far all I've got is the west wing done. But then fat 53 year olds alone pretty much part time can't achieve what a pro can... Well at least I didn't lie to my wife I told her it would be 10 years, should be done just about when we collect the first social security check.......
Don't feel bad, I am a pro, and my home-project has past the ten year level!
Nice digs! I think we could fit our little city house inside the garage.
Now I see how ya got AND kept a pretty and smart one.....wife, that is!
She's exotic ,but not foreign, like an old Cadillac......she's a knockout!
Beautiful! Reminds me of the house I grew up in that my granddaddy built. Of course, the garage was half the size. And the house was half the size. And instead of a golf course we had the back of a fire house. And the grass was worn thin by four yard apes. But it was brick and had double-hungs.
Nice, elegant look you got there.
Ten years on mine (3 years first owner, 7 years me), and it doesn't look like I'm nearly as far along.
But, I'm only 10 minutes from the best steelhead fishing in the lower 48 - where the Skykomish and Snoqualmie rivers merge in Washington state. That's 10 minutes if you walk. One minute if you drive. So I win. :-)
Of course, the golf course is one and a half miles away - three miles if you have to take a car.
See attached pix.
- Ken
My wife finds your gardens beautiful. That means more work for me....thanks a lot! The house looks great and we both admire the walks and garden fencing.
Maybe we could trade steelhead trips. Ours are freshwater lake run fish. They start into the Lake Erie tribs around Oct. Avg. fish goes ten pounds and 10 fish days are common.
Well, I'll admit you made a pretty good start there, but I can see you're in way over your head. I got 30 square of blue tarp and a trailer full of tires and I can be there in a week. May need to stay a few years, but we'll get you fixed up right nice.
And if anyone tells you goats can't mow a lawn as good as a person, they're lying through their teeth. And that's just what I told those cops that time.