In Central FL I want to build a workshop 30′ x60′ x14′ to eves with 4/12 gable roof and because of zoning regulations, it must be attached to existing garage which is made of block walls covered with stucco. The appearance of stucco is the important part to the zoning folks, not really whether it is stucco over block or not. Thought is to buy prefab metal bldg and (1) frame walls with 2×4 with wire lath and stucco, (2) install masonry curtain walls and rough parge/ paint to resemble stucco (3) some metal building mfgs. sell a “factory made” stucco appearing metal panel in lieu of their standard metal siding.
I am a woodworker and blacksmith (former frame & trim carpenter with a hobby) with a huge inventory of stationary tools ( Unisaw, planer, jointer,bandsaws, drill presses, mortiser,radial arm saw, …and in one corner trip hammer, forge, anvil, bench table, post vices, and welding machines) Will be installing air compressor and dust collection outside of main building .
What are the pros and cons of each system as far as first cost, user friendlyness,and “real” value in each approach? I can frame and willing to try parge over diamond mesh but my block laying skills are better left to a mason (quoted at $2 ea in-place). Have no experience at all with hanging factory made stucco panels.
Edited 2/6/2003 1:39:20 PM ET by warren