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Framing the floor inside a crawlspace foundation keeps a gable-end addition close to grade.
"I have learned so much thanks to the searchable articles on the FHB website. I can confidently say that I expect to be a life-long subscriber." - M.K.
I know this is too simple and you've already thought of it.
I carry two sets of folding metal sawhorse legs in my truck.
They clip onto a 2x4 and work great - compact collapsable saw horses. A couple of 1x10's and some drywall screws to hold it together and you have a fine workbench in under five minutes.
* Jamie,
Joseph FuscoView Image© 1999."Whenever, therefore, people are deceived and form opinions wide of the truth, it is clear that the error has slid into their minds through the medium of certain resemblance's to that truth." Socrates
*Jamie,I gotta agree with Ryan......I bought a couple of those folding plastic saw horses from HD. Put some 2x10's on top and they make a great work surface. You can even spread the 2x10's apart and screw down a sheet of plywood and you got a good work table.The black plastic saw horses fold up flat, and they don't weigh squat. You can't stand of them, but they're fine for an easy set-up work surface.Ed. Williams
*Jamie, If you don't mind the extra size, I find that a door hangers bench with an additional solid core 1 3/4 door,registered with dowels, makes a great all around job bench. Make the legs folding, Drill some holes in the top, and add a bench hook. Works great for doors as well as a work bench.You can find the plans for a door bench in Tauntons Doorhangers Handbook, pg.103. A power strip as per the plans is also a good idea. I have used a variation of this idea for many years and have been quite happy with it. Good luck, Bill Swales
*Somethin' wrong with a couple of sawhorses?
* Jim,your such a dickhead!!Why use a minimal solution to a problem that can be made extremely complex?Joesph Fiasco " Whenever , therefore people take notice of assholes it is clear that the verbal diarrohea espoused by such ones has slid into their minds through the medium of the net"Platefull
*Go to the nearest Office Max or Staples and buy one of those office tables with the legs that fold up underneath. Thet have in sizes from 6 feet to 8 feet, very enexpensive, nice smooth top, and legs fold up to store in truck.
*Jamie, I do a lot of oddball jobs, remodeling, etc... and the easiest, most cost effective, fastest set up time, portable, collapsable work table/bench I have found is a simple one. I use an old hollow core door (from one of my remodeling jobs) and set it across two folding plastic sawhorses. The sawhorses (bought at HD) will hold 1000 pounds, and the hollow core door slab is incredibly strong. The door is free, and the sawhorses were about $36.00 a set. If you can get an old door from one of your jobs, great. If not, they are pretty cheap to buy. They are very lightweight, and I can set up and tear down this setup in about 2 minutes or less. Just a thought... James DuHamel
*Who's this Joseph Fiasco,,?.........is that Garth Brooks OTHER alter -ego ?Oh well, at least he seems like a pleasant fellow, unlike that Fusco character that used to come around .
*I had to go back and read it again. I assumed it really was Joe Fusco. Should have known, not abrasive enough.
That's right. Who needs him. You guys have me. The most intelligent moron around.
andrew dic.
Dear Mr. dicless:
Methinks you over rate yourself.
In the hirearchy of intelligence, the pecking order, from lowest to highest, is :
*My money's on Fred/Babe. . .although Derf isn't usually up this lateAlice
*RE: note from "cc" about folding tablesI just bought two great ones from "SAM's". They have some with a tough, formed plastic top that will resist water damage. Most of the ones I've seen at the office supply places are made of partical board and fall apart if used in places where they can get wet.
*I prefer a set of nesting metal sawhorses topped off by a castoff hollowcore door. The less weight I gotta haul back and forth to the truck the happier I am.
*Who's Derf?Rich Beckman
*Spell it backwards. . . the first of many pseudonyms. . . dates back a year or more to another flame war.-pm