I am looking for something to finish the above grade portion of my ICF basement. I have already installed a super seal dimple membrane and preparing to backfill. I will have approx. 30″ of freeboard ICF that will sit above grade in some parts and only 12″ once the backfill and landscape is completed around the front of the home. The home will be sided with 1×6 clear cedar installed horizontally (see other post) and I am looking for something better than the supplied plastic cap piece to top the dimple membrane with and hide the ugly styrofoam ICF for a couple of siding courses until it reaches the cedar.
I am not familiar with any fiber cement products but that is what I have in mind to look for. I am also considering a custom metal flashing as well. There is a chance of snow build-up and whatever product I install must be capable of being very close to grade and relatively bullet proof. Any suggestions appreciated. Thanks!
I used granite slabs to cover mine.. took a fair amount of work but the foundation looks spectacular.. In retrospect I wish I'd brick ledged the whole thing. That way I could have simply used stone or brick for a really elegant look..
The problem with fiber cement in this case is that it can't be installed next to the ground. Usually, code requires 8" of clearance.
Coil stock would be an option, though it will ripple and not be real attractive. It will be challenging to install cleanly and will dent easily.
The other way to go is to use any number of "stucco in a pail" products which produce quite a functional end product over ICF's. Tuff II or Parex are a couple of products. Easy to apply and fairly durable.
The real bomb proof way to go is 3 coat portland cement based stucco.