Discovered what appears to be a water stain on the ceiling, wanted to access the attic to investiage, the house was built in 2000 with trusses and the bottom chord is covered with insulation. Was thinking about putting up some planks to walk on but the roof is two elevations and the acccess is right next to the change in elevations so it going to be difficult get longer planks up there. Other than calling the builder or a professional ……. any suggestions.
BTW, add another thing to my wish list and that would be walkway(s) in the attic build that are build with trusses.
Ya gotta figure out what the longest stick is you can get up there (and still be able to move it around), and the largest piece of plywood (ditto), then work from there.
If the insulation is cellulose you can shovel it out of the way with something about the size of a child's snow shovel. (Wear a dust mask.) Fiberglass is more difficult.
You can install a permanent catwalk or a temporary one. Permanent can be done with two 2x6 or 2x8 edge-down crossways to the trusses, about 16" apart.