Have been wearing accuvue lenses (non-bifocals) for around 10 years (close to when they first came on the market). Have had no problems with them, wear them 24 hours a day and have often left them in 2 weeks or more, despite the optician’s one week suggestion. A good product. THey are sometimes a pain to put in, and one can pop out if the wind gets under it. Losing one up under your eyelid is a headache. Otherwise, superior to all other options. Frank
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There is no generic 2-ft. rule. Use the code tables to dial in joist spans and overhangs based on accurate engineering.
"I have learned so much thanks to the searchable articles on the FHB website. I can confidently say that I expect to be a life-long subscriber." - M.K.
A question on tile backer installation. Should the board lap over the rim of the tub and thus require skimming out the studs or should it stop at the top of the rim? I've seen both methods and wondered if there was an advantage to one over the other.
Apuolsen, you posted your question about tile board in a thread about contact lenses. Delete your question and post it somewhere else ;-)
The eyes are changing fast.....OK...so what's your best solution....I used to be far sighted and wore no glasses even though I have slight blurring from astigmatism in one eye...
what a pain trying to do Fine Homebuilding when ya can't see!!!!
near the stream....painting white and red stripes on my walking stick..
*I wear reading glasses. I'm still on 125s after about 5 years.
*AJ...if u can see gud enuf to READ THIS..RTFA..there was a long discussion about three months ago..FWIW....i have the VARIFOCUS.. this is my third prescription in about 12 years.. ( i tried bi-focals for about 2 months)they are also Photgrey, change from clear to dark in the sun.. so i don't wear sunglasses... my glasses are on morning to nite..except if i'm doing some REAL close up.. maybe once a week.. then i take them off..
*To clarify...Acuvues are contact lenses....Regular glasses are not becoming comfortable for me as I went so long without them...near bright lights by the stream,aj
*well, shucks , you want to wear them sissy things.. why don't ya just put em in , in the mornin, when u put yur panty hose on..but.... but.... yur a contruction guy, how about this.. many time in the past i've had to get new lenses because the old ones were too scratched up from nail chips,, welding slag, paint chips.. you name it ,, i figger if i didn't have the glasses on , or if i was wearing contacts, i probably wudn't be seein out of one or both of em..and the sunglass thing is being touted by the eye docs.. they say don't leave home without em..
*The acuvue website says they are now 95% UV blocking...They also stop tiny ballistic particles though they may end up under the contact....By the way Ken Drake's not gonna like the panty hose comment!near the stream, enjoying only one aspect of glasses...(the ballistic shield defense)aj
*uh, oh, am i in trouble , AJ ?do i take it to nean that ken wears panty hose, or he has runs in his panty hose, or is it the contact lense thing?man, u yust never no who yur gonna affend next.. wen will i learn?
*Oh you're learning alrighty...but are ya doin anythang with that knowledge boy?....near the stream,aj
*Have been wearing accuvue lenses (non-bifocals) for around 10 years (close to when they first came on the market). Have had no problems with them, wear them 24 hours a day and have often left them in 2 weeks or more, despite the optician's one week suggestion. A good product. THey are sometimes a pain to put in, and one can pop out if the wind gets under it. Losing one up under your eyelid is a headache. Otherwise, superior to all other options. Frank
*aj,FWIW, I asked my eye doctor about them (I already wear Accuvues for distance). It seems my eyes are changing as well. She said the idea is good, and they may perfect it in the future, but right now a lot of people are having trouble with them. I hope my eyes can wait!Jerry
*I just bump along reminiscing about the good old days when I could see. Luckily I can still read close with my right eye. I do wear a pair of sunglass/safty glasses at all times though. I've knocked the lense out of my regular sunglasses at least twice in the last few years, and have bounced many nails off them.Never-ever without glasses of some sort,by the lake(s),blue
*I agree with Blue. I've gone from corrective single lenses to bi-focals and the ones I have now are so light it's very easy to get used to them.They are a polycarbonate which also they tell me is a safety lense. Wouldn't be caught working without em.Don't think I could stand something being on top of my eyeballs, let alone takeing them in and out; and besides, the way this frikkin west Texas wind is always blowin, I'd be sure to lose em.
*Yikes even Aj and blue are getting old. At 48 my eyes are starting to change and when tired I need to put on reading glasses. I know that one of these days I'll need to get glasses all the time. It is hard to imagine that the contacts could stop any ballistic stuff and how do you clean them or change them when yuo have sub floor adhesive on your fingers. We had one guy that wore contacts and it would occasionally pop out and he would take a break to look for it, clean it and put it back in.....hey wait a minute maybe it was a trick to get an extra break.
*I have them Jack. And when doing woodwork, they spend a lot of time in my pocket or on the floor. I can not read tapes very well with them for finish work, but for framing, who cares? Setting up machines (table saw, drill press) can not be done with them on. And layout on furniture is impossible.So I mainly use them walking around I guess.
*Scooter, Scooter,...stop !..puleeze,yur killin me, hah, hah, hah
*They do work well for playing pool but have no place in a sawdust enviroment.
*Talked to the optical store folks today. They do not recommend them for anything that requires good detail vision. They also say that a person who does a lot of night driving might find increased problems with halo.