Another project: adding built-ins to load-bearing wall.
Rather than remove a homes N-S centre load-bearing wall (in order to increase the airflow from a woodstove from SE corner of house to NW corner & increase light-transmission/solar gain from the S & W walls to NE areas) I have planned to retrofit.
I’ll be working with a 9 1/2′ wall length, up to 7 1/2′ high, retaining original wall-framing. I will remove the 3/4″ plaster + 3/4″ gyroc-lath (!) covering each side of the 2×4 wall. -Must retain the top 16″ of the E side wall in order to save the beautiful plaster cove molding.
The built-ins on E side (living room) will be book/display shelves, 12″ deep. The built-ins on the W side will be an office set-up (desk, cupboards, file drawers, book shelves), 12″ deep. I will add the framing all to the W, so as not to reduce living room area any.
Now, any ideas/experiences with ways I can incorporate air-flow venting & some light-transmission into that all, without having glaring open spaces within the built-in?
Hope everyone’s having lotsa fun with their projects!!
Thanks, Barb
Reeded glass on both sides of cabinetry makes for nice light transmission.
Thanks Gravitas, just saw photo of it used such-like in one of my architectural mag's.
Thank you!