I’d like to add a window to my house. This was a spec house built 2005, 2×6 frame construction, straight NE colonial style, vinyl. For some reason (probably cost reduction), they left out a window on the end of the house on the second floor. That’s where the view is, so I’d like to add a double-hung window to match the rest. There’s a radiator right under the spot that suggests the plan originally had a window there, there’s no power or plumbing, and the only load it’s carrying is the wall framing above it.
I’m wondering if this is a DIY job. I know “it depends on the DIYer”. What’s involved? This being New England, flashing and controlling water is critical. The existing windows are Andersen, so another one should be available. I’m figuring strip back the siding, open up the inside wall, cut and header. Detailing the outside…not sure about that.
If you've been nice to little ole ladies and small dogs there might be framing there already. Be worth a peek. A finish nail and few pokes at header hight should tell you.
I hadn't thought of that. I don't think I could be that lucky, but maybe...Pete
There was an excellent article in Fine Homebuilding, 1 or 2 years ago, on this subject.
I doubt they framed the opening without putting the window in. If it's on a gable end it's a pretty simple job.
It's only satisfying if you eat it.
If you could find the issue number, that would be great.
May 2003New Window in an Old Wallby Rick ArnoldFive steps, four hours, one window, zero mess
A remodeling contractor offers a simple plan for marking, cutting, and framing an opening for a new window. His approach is work from the outside as much as possible to minimize the mess.
It's only satisfying if you eat it.
It is a pretty straightforward job, but you need to be careful to to it right. The way you described your wall, it is not load-bearing, but you should make sure. Also, if possible I would get someone to lend you a hand with it. I have done a number of them by myself, and if you need to put a header in for a 6 foot window, it can be a physically demanding.
I suggest you get a remodeling book. Most comprehensive books on general remodeling have this in it. I have one from Black and Decker that shows the steps clearly.
Good luck.