I like to replace 11 stair treads with oak to match new hardwood floor,
4 treads are right open, 7 are left open and a 90 dg circular landing zone in between with oak nosing strip (I need to reuse them).
the stair rises do not have dedo cut, so the existing pine treads are just
butt nailed on stringer. I like keep the rises and paint them white, take out the balusters, replace them with white ones.
how difficult does this job sound to you folks? am I looking for troubles?
can any experts give me some advices and tips? thank you
I like to replace 11 stair treads with oak to match new hardwood floor,
4 treads are right open, 7 are left open and a 90 dg circular landing zone in between with oak nosing strip (I need to reuse them).
the stair rises do not have dedo cut, so the existing pine treads are just
butt nailed on stringer. I like keep the rises and paint them white, take out the balusters, replace them with white ones.
how difficult does this job sound to you folks? am I looking for troubles?
can any experts give me some advices and tips? thank you