Andersen retractable screen for FW door

Has anyone any experience with the retractable screen Andersen sells for their outswing Frenchwood hinged door? It is an expensive add-on option.
A spring mechanism retracts the screen into a head-to-sill length cartridge mounted alongside the jamb-casing, and keeps the screen taut when deployed. Since the whole shebang is inside and out of the weather, there should not be any concern about exposure issues.
The questions are a.) how does it look, and b.) will it bear up in extended use?
it looks ok, but I don't think it works all that well...definitely not for a door that will get a lot of traffic
It wasn't an Andersen, but I put a retractable screen door on a screen room I did a few years ago- it was real fussy to get working right.
And it didn't hold up well either. I was back the next year and replaced it with a regular swinging screen door.
It looks wonderful and right after it's installed should work great. Walk through it once and expect to buy a new one. They will take no abuse.... None.
Like the other posts, it won't last very long, especially with frequent use. Personally, out swing doors only belong in So.Calif. or similar climate, and no bugs.
I put andersen outswing frnchwood doors on my home in NH and love them. Of course they open into a big screen porch so no need for a screen on the door itself. I really like that they don't use up any living floor space for swing.
Point taken with regard to "That" application. Not really an exterior one as it's opening into another "room". Friends in So.Calif. don't seem to need screens.
FWIW. I have done pocket screen doors for out swinging french doors with pretty good success. You will need a minimum 2x6 wall and a little space on each side that does not have anything in it.
Hi Gene,
Has anyone any experience with the retractable screen Andersen sells for their outswing Frenchwood hinged door?
This is not the exact same door you are inquiring about but I have worked with the retractable screens............
When I put in the last door for the inlaws, we went with a retractable screen and dual pane insulated glass double hung storm door. It's been a few years so I don't actually remember the brand....I think it was a reliabuilt from Lowe's???
Anyhow, the old storm door was the typical non insulated single pane of glass and could be removed and replaced with a screen insert. Now that they are older they can't manage the weight of changing the glass out seasonally and I'm not always down there within a few weeks of the change each season. Thus I recommended what they have. They now slide the glass up or down according to their needs and then pull the retractable shade down to keep insects out.
Works perfect for them.
Pedro the Mule - Anything to keep the flies off my fur