I am in the process of contracting a 2,900 sq ft two-story home in <!—-> <!—->Western NY<!—->. The project requires aprox. 30 double-hung windows (prefinished white interiors & Std low-e) of various standard sizes. I have narrowed my selection to the <!—-><!—->Anderson <!—-><!—-> line based on quality and warranty. However, as usual, the budget is tight and I am looking for opportunities to save cost without significant reduction in quality / performance.
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Does anyone have an opinion regarding the 200 line vs. the 400 line? The cost difference of the 400 line is about 30% more per window. The total project would have a $2.5 to $3k cost difference between the two lines. From the data contained on the <!—-><!—->Anderson<!—-> <!—-> web site the performance of the windows is very close if not equal. I am looking for the best value for the dolor.
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Both are good windows - but the 400 line has better energy numbers. The 400 series feels a little more solid too, but if you are looking to save some $, thats why they make the 200 line - value for the dollar, still a great window. I wouldn't lose any sleep over the compromise. They both have the same solid company backing them.
edit ... someone will come along soon and correct your spelling - Andersen is a Danish name, hence the "e" not "o" at the end.
Edited 8/16/2006 4:31 pm ET by Brian
Agree with the points that Brian made... I've used both on my house so have a fair experience with them.
One additional point that will increase your savings if using the 200's: you can order them either for 2x4 or 2x6 walls, standard. The 400 comes with a shallower, grooved jamb, and need to add to it an extender to make up the thickness of either wall. At about ~ $1/lft for the jamb extender, you're talking almost $20 extra for the average window when using the 400.
There was a thread about this a few weeks ago...You may want to try and search.
Having said that, I went to HD and saw a 200 and a 400 series window on display. I am going with 400 series for my house....
The 400 seemed nicer (to me).