Ok now I am well into finishing the drywall on the ceiling and was just wondering…. Do I need to do any finish work where the factory beveled edge meets a wall? Was thinking that especially in corners this slight dip would effect the crown molding installation. Could I just leave it as is and plan to caulk those small cracks.
Would the crown even align properly in the corner?
Now thinking that maybe I should have planned it so that no factory edges met walls. But darn the layout worked out so perfectly to use full sheets.
Anyway, thanks in advance. I’m sure learning a lot from you guys.
I think it would be good to tape that joint. Air seal, you know.
*I like to tape those corners but not all do. Around here the Srockers ask if the cielings will have crown. that effects the price because that corner is the most expensive in the house.
*OK, the real question is can I get by without taping and mudding where wall meets ceiling and still have a good crown installation?Mike
*I guess that would depend on the size of the crown.Unless it's pretty small most should bridge it easily. How about taking a piece of your crown, and stick it up there to see what happens. ;)The taping is still a good idea.Barry
*IMO finish the corner. Do it right.
*If the crown does cover the entire taper you could get away just firetaping that joint. Would save a lot of labor and still keep the air from whistling through there.
*jb stole my thunder, as my biggest concern would be having a continuous barrier for firestopping.Do you need the joint taped for crown? No. Actually, you'd probably have a better crown installation by bridging the flat wall plane to the flat ceiling plane...without the mud buildup in the corner joint.The likelyhood of a fire is soooo remote. Still, I wouldn't want to injure or lose a loved one and think that one of the contributing causes was a 2-hour shortcut I took years earlier. Unlikly...but it's something I'd think about.
*Anyone tried glueing tape up instead of taping? Have seen a little on this technique but have not tried it. Anyone else? Skip
*Some tapers are using spray glue to put up special taped corner bead. Have never seen the product myself. I think there might have been an article or mention in one of the trade magazines, like "Wall and Ceiling".
Ok now I am well into finishing the drywall on the ceiling and was just wondering.... Do I need to do any finish work where the factory beveled edge meets a wall? Was thinking that especially in corners this slight dip would effect the crown molding installation. Could I just leave it as is and plan to caulk those small cracks.
Would the crown even align properly in the corner?
Now thinking that maybe I should have planned it so that no factory edges met walls. But darn the layout worked out so perfectly to use full sheets.
Anyway, thanks in advance. I'm sure learning a lot from you guys.