Since it’s summer, the wife and I like to try and get some things accomplished outside. The thing is, I have as many questions about outside work (landscape construction, i.e. stone patios & decks) as I do about interior stuff – except I don’t see any place on these forums appropriate for that.
Anyone know the Breaktime equivalents for landscaping? For that matter any books that you’ve found to be super-great for the novice yardworker to make some magic outside?
Thanks for any pointers…
My kingdom for more tools
Try this.
I wouldn't give up on us just yet.
Keep coming by and watching. Sometimes we come up with a few unusual things outside.
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Edited 7/19/2008 9:20 pm by peteshlagor
Holy cow.That's astounding. Did you come up with that/install it? It's beautiful.--------------------------
My kingdom for more tools
Yes/yes. Thanks.
Is it leaking through the miratac yet? Bob's next test date: 12/10/07
Not a drop.
Don't forget the two layers of the waterproofing stuff.
Everything is holding up just fine.
What does that mean? Two layers of the waterproof stuff? I thought the entire system was a waterproof stuff. Bob's next test date: 12/10/07
I like to think the entire system is a waterproofable. But we do lay down several layers of a liquid rubberized slop. The following picks up on the specifics:
I wanted to finish off the inside of the storage space below the deck, but since there really is no hurry at this point, I figgered I'd like to watch the underside of the decking for a few years to monitor any potential leaks.
At this point, the underside looks the same as it did after installation.
Although I designed this (you can even see my Chief's plot plan prior to this post mentioned), I claim no originality over the concept.
My poker buddy (one of the authors of your fav book, First Break All the Rules), picked up a 3 mill spec house south of me a bit. (He appreciates your contirbution.) It has two such decks built out of the same or similar materials. I had the concept in my mind, but until I saw his, I wasn't sure how to do it.
After that, I took the opportunity to spend several days at the Miracote factory near Long Beach for training on their products.
We've got a covered deck like that coming up and I'm very concerned we won't be able to locate anyone with experience with the product. Bob's next test date: 12/10/07
At the top of the page in the yellowish bar, under the blue one: click on "All Forums", and select "Over the Fence".
It is the forum for Fine Gardening.
Is it safe there? Heard today that bobbys was going over to cookstalk and was gonna lose his nuts to a rusty can lid. They got lot's of dangerous garden tools over there?
they are so polite and gentle that it's a little like visiting a church to examine the architecture - hushed tones, no drinking, watch out for the true believers - "there's enough for everyone"
I don't know about that. I've seen some of them get pretty upset about gluten inhibitors in pie dough!
the gardeners? - surely not - now the cooks, I could believe it - "there's enough for everyone"