…book? –
I’ve got 50 pages or so of manuscript and quite a few photos that I’d like to turn into book form – what’s the deal?
the manu and photos are digital, but not edited or collated – is there a specific program to recommend? –
what about printing – somebody does it – anybody know the deal? $? maybe 20-50 copies –
thanks in advance for experiences/suggestions –
What you need is a desk top publishing program. I use Serif Page Plus which is inexpensive and very good. You will also need a photo processing program. I got an older version of Photoshop free with a scanner and it does all I need it to, which is, to crop pictures and brighten them (which is almost always necessary). You can copy and paste your text and put it in boxes or whatever, and WYSIWYG
With these two programs you can layout you book and produce a Pdf which you can then email or send to a printer who will print it digitally. There are lots of these printers and they do this stuff all the time
Serif Page Plus...
thanks john - I'll check it out -
"there's enough for everyone"
For 20-50 copies, typeset it yourself and get a local copy or print outfit to print and bind the copies. You can do a halfway decent typesetting job with any of the "office" programs, though they don't do the best job with pictures and such. (Pictures need to be "screened" so they'll reproduce well.)
typeset it...
Dan, Dan, Dan...
I'm not looking for a challenge - I need to take existing text and pretty much copy/paste into a format and somehow deal with the picts - cheap books have a few picts on better paper - I'd rather sprinkle them throughout - dunno -
altho, if you'd like to volenteer to do some woodcuts....
"there's enough for everyone"
this guy has some stuff.
this guy has some stuff...
>If you desire to land a Job You Love, become Self-Employed or Start a Business,...<
I've already taken care of these - now I want to publish a book - - Dan Miller doesn't seem to address that - I'd like to borrow a bit of his energy tho - :>)
"there's enough for everyone"
go to his search bar, do a search for publishing. he does have a link to some self publishing stuff.
I had a friend who published a book - He did a "publish on demand" thing.
Here's a link to his book's website, although I don't think there's much publishing info on it:
I should see him this weekend, and can ask him about the process.
So what are ya writing about? Did ya finally learn enough about raising apples that you have something to write ???
So what are ya writing about? Did ya finally learn enough about raising apples that you have something to write ???
I've got the 'how not to do it' book covered - slightly longer than Dr Shivago tho - thought I'd start with something easier -
Emma 'blogged' her travels and study abroad adventures - and exceptional couple of years - a family treasure - time to give them physical existance -
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
welcome to cambodia!
So if you were wondering, i am indeed still alive and currently in phnom penh. Left Bangkok with Kirk last friday on the 5:55am train to aranyaprathet. quite a lovely journey really, very scenic - and only 48baht! arrived there about 11:20 and took a saengtaew to the border for 10baht. there you get to wait in line to get stamped out of thailand and then walk across a 50 or 100m wide strip of land where all the casinos are, then pay a bundle for your cambodian visa and get stamped into their country. we were hassled much less then anticipated. just kept walking in the same direction that elliott did when he got his pickup. hooked up with this couple - Vern from S africa and Telli from canada and eventually a lone japanese kid looking for company who we just called 'Tokyo' never really found a proper pickup but one did eventually stop and say they'd drive us to sisophet for 50 baht each. however, i may not have mentioned this but cambodia is pretty corrupt place and the 'officials' at poipet had decided to make it illegal for foreigners to travel via pickup - only taxi or their crappy buses. so just on the edge of town at the police checkpoint, the correct amount of money didn't change hands. our truck turned around and drove us into town, but when it stopped it was at a motorbike stand. there they had us each get on a moto and...
"there's enough for everyone"
What's the book about??? Maybe I want to buy a copy! (or maybe not.... :)
Rich Beckman
Another day, another tool.
What's the book about???
see reply to Ron above - this is kinda a test - if I can pull this off, I've got a lot of family history that could be collated into some narrative - oh, for first hand stories like this from New England in the 1600's....they are few...same with 1700's and much of the 1800's -
I figure it can't be any easier than this - typing is done - e.e.cummings style, admittedly -
picts are at a couple of different locations - time to get them saved -
Monday, January 26, 2004
My day trıp to Selçuk and Ephesus was absolutely gorgeous. Transport was free wıth my raılpass - although every sıngle tıcket collector mostly just looked confused and then asked where ı was goıng. At any rate, Selçuk ıs a nıce town - old roman aquaduct. Walked about 3km out to Ephesus - exaulted at the clear sky, the treelıned path, and the orange orchards all around. Up a hıll to the maın entrance where ıt was obvıously a slow day. I thınk I would not lıke any of these places as much ıf İ were here ın the hot summer wıth thousands and thousands of tourısts... That day I was the only sıngle person, and I only ran ınto two tour groups as I explored the ruıns. One french, one german. I can understand why Ephesus ıs supposed to be the best example of roman ruıns ın the regıon. Amazıng ampıtheatre, marble streets stıll wıth marble lamposts, terraced houses, the old lıbrary, etc. Probably around 1 km long ın all. That much better beıng alone as most of the tıme I got to feel lıke I was the fırst person to dıscover the place. Scrambled all around ın the old lıbrary and houses and across dont pass sıgns. Just lookıng around you could almost ımagıne what ıt must have been lıke 2000 years ago as a bustlıng port cıty...
"there's enough for everyone"
Edited 3/24/2006 8:55 pm ET by DavidxDoud