attaching kitchen cabinet toe kick panel
The kitchen cabinets I am installing have small plastic strips, running vertically, at each end of each cabinet’s toe kick area. These plastic strips stand proud of the rest of the toe kick material by about 1/16th of an inch. When fastening the covering panels, am I supposed to nail only to the plastic strips? I assume nailing in the center of the area would cause a noticeable wave in the paneling. I had thought I would attach the panels with my 18 gauge brad nailer as they are so thin (about 1/8th of an inch) that even trim head screws would go right through them if the head is driven in.
Any thoughts and techniques appreciated.
Thanks, Casey
Never seen what you're talking about with the plastic shims...
That said I'd go with a dab of PL or adhesive silicone, what ever was handy and my 23ga pinner... if i didn't have the pinner I'd use the 18ga.
I would only fasten at the "shims" but put the glue in the middle.
OK, sounds like what I will try. Actually, I always prefer to build so that I can disassemble later when I find out I screwed up or someone decides a change is in order. Const. adhesive tends to make things a bit more permanent.
Double sided tape is effective too. Allows removal if need be.
What's the cabinet brand?
The cabinet brand is Shenandoah - it is the first tier of the "best" line at Lowes.
Dont over think the toe kick.
I've seen what you're talking about. We just nail the TK high and go right over the plastic. I haven't noticed any wave.
I usually use pl and some brad nails to hold the kick in place till the pl dries.
"it aint the work I mind,
It's the feeling of falling further behind."
Bozini Latini
The toe kicks are 1/8"? That sounds pretty flimsy. What's to keep a vigorous person with a broom from snapping them in the middle?
I guess I left out something in my description. The cabinet toe kicks that are built into the cabinets are 1/2" particle board. What I am talking about is a facing - sort of like a wood veneer on really thin plywood that matches the cabinet wood and is attached to the particle board toe kicks. The vertical thin plastic strips are at each end of the particle board toekick on the cabinets.
Are the built-in part of the cabinet toe kicks removable? If so, I would be tempted to remove them, glue the laminate securely and then re-attach the toe kick assembly with screws.
The particle board toe kicks are firmly attached to the cabinets. I think the previous suggested of double sided tape might be the way to go, for now anyway.
You're not seriously considering using DOUBLE SIDED TAPE for attaching toekicks are you?Just nail them on. 18 gauge is fine.Nail into the particle board or the plastic clips or anything else that will hold a nail.
Edited 3/20/2008 9:03 pm ET by Brady T.
I am planning on using double sided tape and 18 gauge nails. The double sided tape is about the thickness of the plastic strips, so I will use those in the middle as shims so that there won't be a noticeable wave in the facing material.