I have a future job for installing a bamboo floor (3/4″ plank) over a concrete slab. Customer wants to do a glue down installation to avoid the height issue. I have never performed this type of installation before so wanted to get some insight into proper technique, such as slab preperation, type of glue etc.. Any tips would be appreciated.
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You could glue down an engineered bamboo floor, and the height would be even less of an issue.
If the customer is willing to chance glueing down a 3/4" plank floor, do not warranty the work.
Seasonal expansion, contraction, slab moisture issues, any one of the three could cause problems.
Go with the glue down engineered floor. That's what it is designed for.
"Perfect is the enemy of Good." Morrison
Will pass that advice on. Whats the thickness of the engineered flooring as opposed to the 3/4"? BTW What exactly is "engineered flooring"? I've heard it mentioned many times but never quite knew what "engineered" meant.
Engineered is plywood tounge and groove strip flooring.
It differs from regular ply in the top layer of wood veneer is usually quite thick.
It is usually in the range of 3/8" thick.
Not all engineered is recommended for concrete applications so check before you install."Perfect is the enemy of Good." Morrison
Thanks for explanation.
Does the concrete slab need to be sealed prior to a glue down? If so, how should it be done?
That is an interesting question.
and would the glue react with the sealer?
Sealing the floor would be overkill IMO.
Troweling on the glue creates its own moisture barrier."Perfect is the enemy of Good." Morrison
Don't wear your new pants or shirt. Might even want to wear an old pair of underwear. Don't scratch anything you value. Goes a lot quicker with two people.
"such as slab preperation, type of glue etc.. Any tips would be appreciated."
use the glue the flooring manufacturer recommends ...
and prep the floor as the glue manufacturer recommends.
Buck Construction
Artistry In Carpentry
Pittsburgh Pa
Or just get a bunch of general advice off the internet.
this is all written down somewhere (usually the side of the box or papers inside, and the side of the can) ... and the warrenties depend on such things.
Jeff Buck Construction
Artistry In Carpentry
Pittsburgh Pa